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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/608

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Mediation, British offers, 2. 301, 368, 503-4; Spain and, 502. See also Interposition.
Medical corps, Mexican, 1. 157.
Mejía, Francisco, ruse at Arroyo Colorado, 1. 147; and Taylor at Rio Grande, 148; and irregulars in Texas, 153, 154; on Taylor and his force, 158, 159; propaganda among American troops, 160; and advance against Taylor, 162, 464, 467; succeeds Arista in command, 178; restores morale, 225; appearance, 226; plan at Monterey, 226; preparations to resist Taylor there, 230; and holding of Monterey, 231, 494; and brigade command, 462; in battle of Monterey, 494, 500; at Matehuala, 552; in Army of the North, 2. 369 Mejía, J. A., revolt, 1. 49; Americans in revolt executed, 70.
Mejía, Vicente, attack on La Paz, 2. 448.
Memorial Histórico, on monarchist plans, 1. 90.
Memphis, enlistments, 1. 195.
Memphis Daily Eagle, on enlisting, 1. 195.
Memphis Enquirer, on war spirit, 1. 127.
Mendoza, F., guerilla, 2. 421.
Mendoza, N., brigade in Monterey campaign, 1. 494; at Contreras, i,. 109.
Mercantile class in Mexico, 1. 5, 17; favor peace, J. 130. See also Commerce.
Mercantile system, and Spanish colonies, 1. 29.
Merritt, Ezekiel, at San Diego, 1. 534.
Merryman vs. Bourne, title by conquest, 2. 468.
Mervine, William, at Monterey, Cal., 1. 335; in second southern campaign, 340; on Stockton, 534.
Mexicaltzingo, plan to advance by, 2. 93, 372-3.
Mexican Spy Company, Scott's, 2. 72, 362, 476.
Mexican War. The analysis is carried out through the titles Army; Attitude; Cause; Conquered territory; Cost; Diplomatic intercourse; Finances; Foreign relations; Government; Guerilla; Importance; Justice; Navy: Opposition; Outbreak; Peace; Politics; Popularity; Preparation; Programme; and the leaders and campaigns by name, especially Buena Vista; California; Doniphan; Mexico expedition; Monterey; New Mexico; Rio Grande; Santa Anna; Scott, Winfield; Taylor, Zachary; Vera Cruz; Wool.
Mexico, Valley of, topography, 2. 79; map, 80; aspect, 94, 119, 138; view from Chapultepec, 158.
Mexico battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494.
Mexico City, situation, 1. 2; profile of route from Vera Cruz, 2; aspect and life, charm, 21-8, 2. 228; southern and western approaches, map, 141, 147; clerical incitation against Americans, 142; Quitman at Belén garita, 15860, 162, 412, 414-6; map of citadel, 159; capture of San Cosme garita, 161-2, 413, 414, 416; evacuated by Mexicans, release of criminals, 163, 415, 420; Americans take possession, 163, 415; Quitman first governor, 164, 460; uprising against Americans, 1668, 420; clemency toward, 226, 459; military discipline in, 226, 459-60; resumption of ordinary life, attitude of clergy, 226; invasion of Americanisms, 227; social excesses, 2278, 460; local government, 229; police, 229; social relations with Americans, 230; American evacuation, 252, 476; riot during armistice, 396; Kearny governor, 438; location of troops during occupation, 461. See also Mexico expedition.