Mediation, British offers, 2. 301, 368, 503-4; Spain and, 502. See also Interposition. |
Medical corps, Mexican, 1. 157. |
Mejía, Francisco, ruse at Arroyo Colorado, 1. 147; and Taylor at Rio Grande, 148; and irregulars in Texas, 153, 154; on Taylor and his force, 158, 159; propaganda among American troops, 160; and advance against Taylor, 162, 464, 467; succeeds Arista in command, 178; restores morale, 225; appearance, 226; plan at Monterey, 226; preparations to resist Taylor there, 230; and holding of Monterey, 231, 494; and brigade command, 462; in battle of Monterey, 494, 500; at Matehuala, 552; in Army of the North, 2. 369 Mejía, J. A., revolt, 1. 49; Americans in revolt executed, 70. |
Mejía, Vicente, attack on La Paz, 2. 448. |
Memorial Histórico, on monarchist plans, 1. 90. |
Memphis, enlistments, 1. 195. |
Memphis Daily Eagle, on enlisting, 1. 195. |
Memphis Enquirer, on war spirit, 1. 127. |
Mendoza, F., guerilla, 2. 421. |
Mendoza, N., brigade in Monterey campaign, 1. 494; at Contreras, i,. 109. |
Mercantile class in Mexico, 1. 5, 17; favor peace, J. 130. See also Commerce. |
Mercantile system, and Spanish colonies, 1. 29. |
Merritt, Ezekiel, at San Diego, 1. 534. |
Merryman vs. Bourne, title by conquest, 2. 468. |
Mervine, William, at Monterey, Cal., 1. 335; in second southern campaign, 340; on Stockton, 534. |
Mexicaltzingo, plan to advance by, 2. 93, 372-3. |
Mexican Spy Company, Scott's, 2. 72, 362, 476. |
Mexican War. The analysis is carried out through the titles Army; Attitude; Cause; Conquered territory; Cost; Diplomatic intercourse; Finances; Foreign relations; Government; Guerilla; Importance; Justice; Navy: Opposition; Outbreak; Peace; Politics; Popularity; Preparation; Programme; and the leaders and campaigns by name, especially Buena Vista; California; Doniphan; Mexico expedition; Monterey; New Mexico; Rio Grande; Santa Anna; Scott, Winfield; Taylor, Zachary; Vera Cruz; Wool. |
Mexico, Valley of, topography, 2. 79; map, 80; aspect, 94, 119, 138; view from Chapultepec, 158. |
Mexico battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494. |
Mexico City, situation, 1. 2; profile of route from Vera Cruz, 2; aspect and life, charm, 21-8, 2. 228; southern and western approaches, map, 141, 147; clerical incitation against Americans, 142; Quitman at Belén garita, 15860, 162, 412, 414-6; map of citadel, 159; capture of San Cosme garita, 161-2, 413, 414, 416; evacuated by Mexicans, release of criminals, 163, 415, 420; Americans take possession, 163, 415; Quitman first governor, 164, 460; uprising against Americans, 1668, 420; clemency toward, 226, 459; military discipline in, 226, 459-60; resumption of ordinary life, attitude of clergy, 226; invasion of Americanisms, 227; social excesses, 2278, 460; local government, 229; police, 229; social relations with Americans, 230; American evacuation, 252, 476; riot during armistice, 396; Kearny governor, 438; location of troops during occupation, 461. See also Mexico expedition. |