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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/609

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Mexico expedition, proposals, 1. 349; question of campaign left open, 351; Taylor's attitude, 352-3, 362-3, 543; influence of Scott's victories and treatment on Mexicans, 2. 36, 45, 65, 80, 81; dangers stated, 37; Scott's preparations at Vera Cruz, 37; his proclamation before starting, 38, 344; transportation problem, Antigua and Alvarado expeditions, 38, 344-5; start, march to Cerro Gordo, 39, 45-8, 345, 348; map of Vera Cruz to Perote, 39; Santa Anna's plans and preparations below Perote, 39-42, 346; maps of Cerro Gordo, 40, 43, 51; and yellow fever, 42, 59, 64, 348; defences and force at Cerro Gordo, 42-5. 347, 348; battle of Cerro Gordo, 48-59, 349-55; occupation of Jalapa, 59, 354; pursuit to Perote, 60-1: Scott at Jalapa, his problems: of supplies, 61-3, 355; of Santa Anna's intentions, 62; of time-expired men, 63-4, 356; force after departure of time-expired men, 64, 356; advance to Puebla, 64, 66, 69; map of profile Vera Cruz to Mexico, 62; secret arrangement with clergy for occupation of Puebla, 65-6, 357; Scott's proclamation at Jalapa, May 11, 66, 3578; Santa Anna's preparations at Orizaba, 67-8, 359; political influence on his movements, 68; Santa Anna at Puebla, 69, 360; Amozoc affair, 69-70, 360; Worth's erroneous agreement with Puebla, 70; occupation of Puebla, 71; Worth's rule there, 7t-2, 361; Scott's intelligence system, 72, 332, 362; condition of Scott's army in Puebla, 72-3, 362; concentration, communications severed, and reinforcements awaited there, 73, 357, 362, 363, 365; Ten Regiment Bill to increase regulars, 74-6, 363; proposed appointment of Benton as commanding general, 75, 363, 365; further call for volunteers, 76-7, 364; arrival of reinforcements, 76, 365; organization and size of Scott's force in final advance, 77, 93, 365, 366; condition of force then, 78; situation of capital, 79, 94; unfruitful plans for defence of capital, governmental chaos, 79-82, 367; map of the Valley, 80; Santa Anna's return to capital, opposition to his control, 82-7; his collection of materiel, 87; his army organization, its character and officers, 87-9, 369; his defensive plan, 89-90, 370; defences, Old Peñon, 90, 369; bolstering morale of inhabitants, 91, 142; their enthusiasm on start of final campaign, 91-2; Scott's advance from Puebla to Lake Chalco, 92-5, 371; failure of opposition to it, 95, 371; choice of line of advance, 95-6, 372; advance to San Agustin, 96-8, 374; Santa Anna and Scott's march to southern front, 97-8, 374; Mexican enthusiasm lost, 98; Santa Anna's southern line, 99, 101, 374; general map of southern line, 100; field and Mexican occupation of Contreras, 101-2, 375; American reconnaissances and problem, 102-3, 375; battle of Contreras, 103-10, 376-80; Santa Anna's arrangements after Contreras, 110-1, 382; question of American advance to capital after the battle, 112; battle of Churubusco, 111-9, 382-5; Americans after Churubusco, 120; why victory was not followed up, 120, 386, 393; halt at Puebla and negotiations, 130; armistice, 133, 137-8, 394-6, 398-9; armies during armistice, 134, 138-9; defences and force at Molino del Key, 140-2, 400; map of battles of Mexico City, 141; Scott's preparations after armistice, 142, 400, 404; battle of Molino del Rey, 143-7, 401-4; southern and western approaches to city, 147; Scott's plans and caution after Molino del Rey, 148, 404, 408; American conference and problem, decision to attack western gates, 148-9, 408; defences of Chapultepec, 149-52, 405-6; battle of Chapultepec, 152-8, 408-11; Quitman at Belén garita, 158-60, 162, 412, 414-5; capture of San Cosme garita, 161-2, 413-4, 416; evacuation of the city, 163, 415; possession taken by Americans, 163-4, 415-6; American loss in final operations, 165, 411; rising in city, 166-8, 420; adoption of guerilla warfare against, 169; guerilla warfare on line of communication, 171, 422-3; operations against guerillas, 172, 178-9, 423, 426-7; "siege" of Americans at Puebla, 173-5, 424-6; extempore Mexican government, 179-81, 427, 428; problem after capture of city, 183, 430; further tardy reinforcements, 183; size and condition of American force then, 184, 432; plan of further campaign, 184, 432, 433; American evacuation, 251-2, 475, 476; effect on American foreign relations, 305; foreign criticism, 307-8; inadequate force and preparation, 314, 510; achievement, spoils, 321, 416; administration and authorization, 344; Mexican force when it evacuated, 416; supposed American force (Nov., 1847), 432; size of army and posts (May, 1848), 438; distribution of troops after occupying city, 461. See also Conquered territory; Scott, Winfield; Vera Cruz; and battles by name for details.
Mexico state, and guerilla warfare, 2. 169, 173; and rehabilitation of army, 182; war donation, 254; American assessment, 265; and collapse of federal government, 428.