Monterey auxiliary battalion, at battle of Monterey, 1. 494. |
Monterey campaign, inadequate preparation, steamboats, 1. 208, 481-3; advance up Rio Grande to Camargo, 209-11; Taylor's force then, 211, 212, 483; unfortunate placing of camp at Camargo, 211, 484, 493; condition of Mexican forces, 225, 230, 489; Mejia's plan for guerilla warfare, Canales frustrates it, 226, 236; Taylor's inaction and lack of information, 226, 251, 489, 491, 499; his transportation, 227, 490-1, 493; Taylor and popular demand for action, he does not anticipate resistance, 227, 491-3; his neglect of artillery, 228, 250, 500; route of advance, 228; advance and camp at Cerralvo, organization of army, 228-30, 492, 493; Mexican force, 230, 494; Mexican preparations at Monterey, 230-2, 494; defences, 232-4, 239, 249, 495, 497; general map of battle, 232; Ampudia's position and policy, 234; measures to stay American advance, 234-5, 237, 495; McCulloch's Rangers, 236; advance from Cerralvo, aspect of country, 236-7, 496; arrival before Monterey, 237; confidence and size of American force, 238, 496; Worth's flanking movement to Saltillo road, 239-44, 497; Ampudia during battle, 241, 242, 248, 255, 258, 259, 501; detailed map of battle, 240; Worth's capture of Federation Ridge, 244-6, 498; of Independence Hill, 246-8, 499; Taylor's display in force, 249; fortifications in Taylor's front, 24950; his verbal instructions to Garland, 250-1, 500; capture of Tenería redoubt, 251-3, 500; futile attack on Diablo, 253-4; Taylor's mistakes, 254, 260, 500-3; Mexicans abandon outworks, 255; advance toward plaza, retirement, 256, 500: failure to concert action with Worth, 256-7, 501; Worth's attack in city, 257-8; condition of Mexican force, bombardment, 258, 501; capitulation, armistice, 259, 501-2; Taylor's acceptance considered, 260, 502-6; evacuation by Mexicans, 260; results, fame, 261, 506; condition and size of Taylor's force after, 262, 506; Polk and terms, armistice terminated, 263; to be end of northern advance,?50; losses, 505; foreign comment, 2. 306-7. |
Montgomery, J. B. f and British commander, 2. 446; at Guaymas, 447. |
Montoya, J. M., Mexican charge at Washington, reports cited passim. |
Mora, J. M. L., minister at London, and England and California, 2. 303; and British mediation, 508. |
Mora y Villamil, Ignacio, on California, 1. 322; on Texas and the war, 457; and defences of Vera Cruz, 2. 19; and preparations below Perote, 40; peace commissioner, 135; and guerilla warfare, 168, 422; armistice negotiations, 242, 394; and Contreras, 375. |
Morale, of American troops at Corpus Christi, 1. 144; at Rio Grande, 147, 160, 164; results of Rio Grande campaign, 177-9, 469; of volunteers in first camps, 207, 481; Wool's discipline, 268, 269, 273, 275, 276; character of Doniphan's force, 299, 303; of Wool's force before Buena Vista campaign, 371; Taylor's influence, 372, 374; of Scott's force at Puebla, 2. 73; at start of final campaign, 78; lack, in guerillas, 172; naval, 190, 438; mutiny at Buena Vista, 418; effect of newspapers on Mexican, 509. See also Army; Conquered territory; Deserters. |
Morales, Juan, defence of Vera Cruz, 2. 22, 31, 336, 337, 340-2. |
Morehead, T. G., at siege of Puebla, 2. 174. |
Morelia, powder-mill, 2. 87. |
Morelia battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Belén garita, 2. 412. |
Morelos, J. M., as partisan leader, 1. 32. |
Moreno, J. M., attack on La Paz, 2. 449. |
Morfit, H. M., American agent in Texas, reports cited passim. |
Morgan, G. W., at Cerralvo, 1. 562; and Fifteenth Infantry, 2. 363; at Contreras, 378. Morier, J. J., British agent in Mexico, on Mexican character, 1. 410. |
Mormon battalion, follows Kearny's expedition, 1. 290, 516; in California, 2. 218, 219, 454, 455. |
Morris, L. N., at Palo Alto, 1. 164. |
Mosquito fleet, 2. 29, 338. |
Mountain systems of Mexico, 1. 1. |