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Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/612

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Mounted Riflemen, authorized, 1. 19Q; in Smith's brigade, 541; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 54, 350, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Contreras, 104; at, Churubusco, 110, 114, 382, 384; at Belén garita, 159, 160; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Molino del Rey, 403; at Chapultepec, 410; in the guerilla operations, 427.
Mouth of the Rio Grande, camp, 1. 20?.
Mulejé, and American occupation, 2. 448.
Mules. See Transportation.
Munroe, John, artillery at Point Isabel, 1. 146, 148.
Murphy, Tomás, Mexican agent at London, Aberdeen's suggestion to, 1. 434; and interposition, 2. 302, 304, 504-6; and foreign officers, 306.
Muscatine, Iowa. See Bloomington.
Nacogdoches, Gaines's expedition, 1. 64-6, 420-2.
Nájera, Lieut. Col., at Monterey, falls, 1. 243.
Napoleon I, on first quality of a soldier, 1. 440; on flank movement, 497; on agent's responsibility, 2. 398.
Nashville Union, on war spirit, 1. 126.
Natchez, Vera Cruz incident, 1. 424, 425.
National bridge. See Puente nacional.
National Guard, Mexican, and Federalists, 1. 221, 222; Brazito affair with Doniphan, 301-2; attempt to centralize, 376, 2. 346; at Vera Cruz, 22, 343; and siege of Puebla, 174, 425. National highway, 1. 16. See also Mexico expedition.
National Intelligencer, and peace, 2. 125; on Polk and his party, 269; and tariff, 273; on Polk, 275; on outbreak of war, 277; encourages enemy, 280, 281; and tax on tea and coffee, 285; and no-territory plan, 288; and victorious war, 292; on title by conquest, 497; on tariff for Mexican ports, 500, 501.
Navajo Indians, conquered, 1. 298.
Navy, American, foreign opinion, 1. 106; pacific instructions (1845), 131, 447; war preparations, 190; mosquito fleet at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 29, 338; sailors and landed battery at siege, 30, 34, 338; vessels at the beginning of the war, distribution, 189, 197, 438; appropriation and increase, 189; establishment, condition, 189, 438; administration, 19091; and Mexican privateers, 192-3; blockade, 193 5, 205, 206, 208, 446, 448; scurvy and yellow fever, 194 5; and Mexican navy, 195; difficulties of shore operations, 196; Alvarado expeditions, 197-9, 344; operations on Mexican western coast, 205-8, 446-9; character of service, 208, 449; character of control of occupied territory, 208; evacuation, 476. See also California; Conner, David; Jones, T. A. C.; Marines; Perry; Sloat; Shubrick; Stockton.
Navy, Mexican, 2. 195.
Negotiations. See Diplomatic intercourse; Peace.
Neptune, at Tampico, 1. 281; wrecked, 449.
Neutrality, American, and Texas, 1. 63, 432; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and Gaines's expedition, 64-6; and recognition of Texas, 66-7, 422-3; Bocanegra-Webster correspondence, 68; European, in the war, 2. 300-5. See also Interposition; Mediation.
New Granada, and the war, 2. 298.
New Helvetia, trading post, 1.318, 522.
New Jersey troops, call, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Jalapa, 433.
New Mexico, Santa Fe trail trade, 1. 72, 284, 514; province, population, 284; political situation, 284-6, 2. 216; American war policy toward, 1. 286; preparation of Kearny's expedition, force, 286, 288, 515; map of his route, 287; his march to Pent's Fort, 288-9, 515; Armijo's attitude, preparations, and desertion, 289, 292-4, 516-7; Price's reinforcement of Kearny, 290, 516; Mormon battalion, 290, 516; Kearny's proclamation and letter to Armijo, 290, 516; advance to San Miguel, assurances to inhabitants, 291-2, 516; expected fight at Apache Canyon, condition of expedition, 292-3, 516; resistance abandoned, 2935; occupation of Santa Fe, 295-6; Fort Marcy, 296; march to southern district, 297; retaining force, 298; reduction of Indians, 298; Doniphan's march to El Paso, Brazito affair, 298--300, 517, 518; condition of force at Santa Fe, 518; in peace negotiations and treaty, 135, 136, 238, 240, 248, 396, 468, 469; character of population, 216; excesses due to American occupation, 216, 453; Price's rule, insurrection, 217, 453; civil government as conquered territory, 285; justice of acquisition, 322; supposed force in (Nov., 1847), 432; Texas and occupation, 497.