Mounted Riflemen, authorized, 1. 19Q; in Smith's brigade, 541; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 52, 54, 350, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Contreras, 104; at, Churubusco, 110, 114, 382, 384; at Belén garita, 159, 160; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Molino del Rey, 403; at Chapultepec, 410; in the guerilla operations, 427. |
Mouth of the Rio Grande, camp, 1. 20?. |
Mulejé, and American occupation, 2. 448. |
Mules. See Transportation. |
Munroe, John, artillery at Point Isabel, 1. 146, 148. |
Murphy, Tomás, Mexican agent at London, Aberdeen's suggestion to, 1. 434; and interposition, 2. 302, 304, 504-6; and foreign officers, 306. |
Muscatine, Iowa. See Bloomington. |
N |
Nacogdoches, Gaines's expedition, 1. 64-6, 420-2. |
Nájera, Lieut. Col., at Monterey, falls, 1. 243. |
Napoleon I, on first quality of a soldier, 1. 440; on flank movement, 497; on agent's responsibility, 2. 398. |
Nashville Union, on war spirit, 1. 126. |
Natchez, Vera Cruz incident, 1. 424, 425. |
National bridge. See Puente nacional. |
National Guard, Mexican, and Federalists, 1. 221, 222; Brazito affair with Doniphan, 301-2; attempt to centralize, 376, 2. 346; at Vera Cruz, 22, 343; and siege of Puebla, 174, 425. National highway, 1. 16. See also Mexico expedition. |
National Intelligencer, and peace, 2. 125; on Polk and his party, 269; and tariff, 273; on Polk, 275; on outbreak of war, 277; encourages enemy, 280, 281; and tax on tea and coffee, 285; and no-territory plan, 288; and victorious war, 292; on title by conquest, 497; on tariff for Mexican ports, 500, 501. |
Navajo Indians, conquered, 1. 298. |
Navy, American, foreign opinion, 1. 106; pacific instructions (1845), 131, 447; war preparations, 190; mosquito fleet at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 29, 338; sailors and landed battery at siege, 30, 34, 338; vessels at the beginning of the war, distribution, 189, 197, 438; appropriation and increase, 189; establishment, condition, 189, 438; administration, 19091; and Mexican privateers, 192-3; blockade, 193 5, 205, 206, 208, 446, 448; scurvy and yellow fever, 194 5; and Mexican navy, 195; difficulties of shore operations, 196; Alvarado expeditions, 197-9, 344; operations on Mexican western coast, 205-8, 446-9; character of service, 208, 449; character of control of occupied territory, 208; evacuation, 476. See also California; Conner, David; Jones, T. A. C.; Marines; Perry; Sloat; Shubrick; Stockton. |
Navy, Mexican, 2. 195. |
Negotiations. See Diplomatic intercourse; Peace. |
Neptune, at Tampico, 1. 281; wrecked, 449. |
Neutrality, American, and Texas, 1. 63, 432; and Sabine River boundary, 64; and Gaines's expedition, 64-6; and recognition of Texas, 66-7, 422-3; Bocanegra-Webster correspondence, 68; European, in the war, 2. 300-5. See also Interposition; Mediation. |
New Granada, and the war, 2. 298. |
New Helvetia, trading post, 1.318, 522. |
New Jersey troops, call, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Jalapa, 433. |
New Mexico, Santa Fe trail trade, 1. 72, 284, 514; province, population, 284; political situation, 284-6, 2. 216; American war policy toward, 1. 286; preparation of Kearny's expedition, force, 286, 288, 515; map of his route, 287; his march to Pent's Fort, 288-9, 515; Armijo's attitude, preparations, and desertion, 289, 292-4, 516-7; Price's reinforcement of Kearny, 290, 516; Mormon battalion, 290, 516; Kearny's proclamation and letter to Armijo, 290, 516; advance to San Miguel, assurances to inhabitants, 291-2, 516; expected fight at Apache Canyon, condition of expedition, 292-3, 516; resistance abandoned, 2935; occupation of Santa Fe, 295-6; Fort Marcy, 296; march to southern district, 297; retaining force, 298; reduction of Indians, 298; Doniphan's march to El Paso, Brazito affair, 298--300, 517, 518; condition of force at Santa Fe, 518; in peace negotiations and treaty, 135, 136, 238, 240, 248, 396, 468, 469; character of population, 216; excesses due to American occupation, 216, 453; Price's rule, insurrection, 217, 453; civil government as conquered territory, 285; justice of acquisition, 322; supposed force in (Nov., 1847), 432; Texas and occupation, 497. |