New Orleans, enlistments, 1. 195; as rival of New York, 2. 274; yellow fever (1847), 431. |
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, attacks policy of forbearance, 1. 121; on easy victory over Mexico, 126. |
New Orleans Delta, on Paredes revolt, 1. 120; demand for war, 443; Leonidas letter, 2. 187, 435; on Taylor's force (1847), 417. |
New Orleans Jeffersonian Republican, attacks policy of forbearance, 1. 120. |
New Orleans Picayune, on monarchist plans in Mexico, 1. 90, 122, 135; attacks on policy of forbearance, 119; on rejection of Slidell, 120; on war spirit, 126, 132; demand for war, 443. |
New Orleans Tropic, on policy of expansion, 1. 123. |
New York, and peace, 2. 123; Polk and factions, 270, 491. See also New York troops. |
New York City, enlistments, 1. 194. |
New York Courrier des Etats Unis, oh European protection of Mexico, 1. -121. |
New York Express, and peace, 2. 125. |
New York Herald, on unrest, 1. 124; on war spirit, 124; on war as peace movement, 184; on war finances, 2. 256; on opposition to the war, 494. |
New York Journal of Commerce, on war spirit, 1. 124; on war as peace movement, 184. |
New York Morning News, on policy of expansion, 1. 123; on war spirit, 124-6. |
New York Sun, and Worth, 2. 186, 434; favors absorbing Mexico, 243. |
New York Tribune, on policy of expansion, 1. 123; on Polk and war, 184; on the war and politics, /. 275; on annexation of Texas and war, 276; demands recall of troops, 290; on Scott and the cabal, 436. |
New York troops, in Vera Cruz expedition, 1. 368, 537, 2. 343; at Cerro Gordo, 53, 58; in march to Puebla, 69; in Scott's army, 78; at Churubusco, 117; at Chapultepec, 157, 409; in Mexico City, 163; in California, 219, 454, 476; in Lower California, 448. |
Newspapers, Mexican, war-time lamentations, 2. 509. See also Press. |
Niles, J. M., and absorption of Mexico, 2. 244; position in Senate, 496. |
Niles' Register, on Taylor's generalship, 1. 503. |
Niño Perdido garita, 2. 148. |
Ninth Cavalry, Mexican, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347. |
Ninth Infantry, in Scott's army, 2. 78, 363, 432; at Contreras, 109; at Chapultepec, 154, 155, 157; advance after armistice, 400; at Huamantla, 426; at Pachuca, 433. |
Nonata, captured, 1. 511. |
Noncombatants, American policy toward, 2. 210, 220, 229. See also Conquered territory. |
Nopalucan, aspect, 2. 69. |
Noriega, General, at Palo Alto, 1. 165, 168; captured at Chapultepec, 2. 411. |
North Carolina troops, enlistments, 1. 195; calls, 537, 2. 431; in Taylor's later force, 417. |
Norther, character, 1. 541; 2. 34. |
Nuevo León, troops at Monterey, 1. 494; levy on, for guerilla warfare, 2. 170, 422; attitude toward United States, 215; general occupation, 418. See also Monterey. |
O |
Oaxaca state, guerilla warfare, 2. 173; revolt and the war, 369. |
Obregón, Pablo, Mexican minister at Washington, and boundary negotiations, 1. 60. |
O'Brien, J. P. J., battery at Buena Vista, 1. 388, 390-2, 394, 557. Ocampo, M., and Santa Anna, 1. 376. |
Occupied territory. See Conquered territory. |
O'Donnell, Leopoldo, and Mexican privateering, 2. 193. |
O'Donojú, Juan, treaty with Itúrbide, 1. 33. |
Officers, character of volunteer, 1. 192, 207, 2. 215; for the ten new regiments, 76; value of West Point training, 320. See also Army; Volunteers. |
Ohio, and attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Pacific squadron, 447. |
Ohio troops, enlistments, 1. 195; at Monterey, 253, 492, 496; in Taylor's later force, 2. 417; with Scott, 418; in Lane's march to Puebla, 426; in his guerilla operations, 426, 427; calls (1847), 364, 365, 431; garrison at Puebla, 433; non-active men, 511. |