Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/623

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Resaca de Guerrero. See Resaca de la Palma.
Resaca de la Palma, battle of, map, 1. 170; Mexican position and conditions, 170-2, 467; American advance, mêlée, 172-3; flanking of Mexican left, 174; panic of Mexican right, 174; May's charge, 174, 467; Arista's conduct, 175; flight across Rio Grande, 175; little pursuit, 175, 467; losses, 176. See also Rio Grande campaign. Revista Económica y Comercial, on Herrera administration, 1. 438.
Revolutions in Mexico, as relief for ennui, 1. 21; Hidalgo's attempt (1810), 31; Itúrbide's (1821), 33; overthrow of Itúrbide (1823), 35; Montaño attempt (1827), 38; Santa Anna's overthrow of Pedraza (1828), 40-1; overthrow of Guerrero (1829), 43; Santa Anna restores Pedraza (1832), 44-5; attempt against Farías (1833), 46; Mejía's attempt (1839), 49; attempts of Paredes and Valencia(1841), 50; Santa Anna's (1841), 51; overthrow of Santa Anna (1844), 53-5; attempted Federalist (1845), 56; Paredes (1845), 98-9, 120, 438; Alvarez (1846), 216; overthrow of Paredes, 216-7, 485; complexity of this, 2. 1; clerical (Polko), against Farías (1847), 12-4, 230-2.
Reyes, I., and the defence of northern states, 1. 305; and plans against Taylor, 2. 165; succeeds Santa Anna, 181, 429.
Reynolds, J. F., at Chapultepec, 2. 156.
Reynosa, occupied, 1. 204, 479.
Rhett, R. B., position in House, 2. 496.
Rhode Island, and peace, 2. 123.
Richmond Enquirer, on war spirit, 1. 126; on divided sentiment toward Mexico, 443. See also Ritchie, Thomas.
Richtofen, Freiherr von, Prussian minister at Mexico, on Bocanegra's note, 1. 69.
Ridgely, Randolph, battery at Resaca de la Palma, 1. 172, 173, 467; at Monterey, 254, 492, 496.
Riley, Bennet, at Cerro Gordo, 2. 53, 55, 352, 354; brigade in Scott's army, 77; at Contreras, 104, 10810, 378-80; at Churubusco, 114, 382; and plan of attack on Mexico City, 149, 408; at Chapultepec, 152; advance after armistice, 401; at Tacubaya, 461.
Rincón, Manuel, and Alvarez' revolt, 1. 216; at Churubusco, 2. 110, 114, 117; and high command, 182, 429; and peace commission, 239, 466.
Rincón del Diablo. See Diablo.
Rinconada Pass, Mexicans to retire to line of, 1. 259; Taylor's force at, aspect, 265; Wool's march and Mexican abandonment, 508.
Ringgold, Samuel, in advance to Rio Grande, 1. 146, 147; at Palo Alto, mortally wounded, 164, 167, 465, 466; field battery, 450, 451; and artillery arm, 451.
Río, Señor del, and peace negotiations, 2. 236.
Río Frio, American post, 2. 432.
Rio Grande campaign, river as boundary of Texas, 1. 138: Taylor's force as guard, 142; crossing by Mexicans as invasion, 144, 453; Taylor's advance to, 145-8, 454; retaliatory orders, 148-9, 455; Mexicans cross and attack, 149, 455; de facto war, Taylor calls for more troops, 150, 205, 458, 480; justification of advance to, 151-4, 456-61; advance not cause of war, 154-5, 185, 457, 471, 2. 276-7; Mexican force, 1. 158, 462; Matamoros fortifications, 158; condition and position of American force, Mexican opinion, 158-60, 462, 463; map of Matamoros and American position, 159; minor mishaps, 160; Mexican propaganda, 160; Mexican impatience for combat, 161, 463; Taylor and line of communication, 161, 464; Mexican advance on line, 162, 464; Taylor's march to Point Isabel, 163; return march, train, 163; size of American force, 163; its morale, 164; battle of Palo Alto, 164-9, 465; attack on Fort Brown, 164, 176, 467-9; pursuit of Mexicans, 169, 466; battle of Resaca de la Palma, 170-6, 467; Taylor's inaction, permits Mexicans to retire from Matamoros, 176-8, 469; Americans cross and occupy town, 178; results of campaign, Taylor's conduct, 178-80, 469, 470; effect on Mexicans, 179 213; original American force, 2. 511.
Ripalda, Father, catechism, 1. 13.
Ripley, R. S., value of his history, 1. 404; on Scott and Taylor, 490; on Wool's march, 510; on Scott's preparations, 539, 544; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 53, 58; on Cerro Gordo, 348, 353, 354; on Scott's delay at Puebla, 361; on choice of routes, 373; on Contreras, 380; on Churubusco, 383; on Scott and Trist, 392; on armistice, 398, 399; on Molino del Rey, 403; on Scott's failure to prepare, 404; on plan to attack city, 405; on Chapultepec, 409; on Belén garita, 412; on San Cosme garita, 413; on Scott's failure to occupy country, 433; on excesses in Mexico City, 460; on peace negotiations, 467.