Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/624

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Ritchie, Thomas, on southern opposition to the war, 1. 189; on attitude of Whigs, 2. 276, 279. See also Richmond Enquirer.
River and harbor bill, Folk's veto, 2. 271, 281.
Rives, W. C., plan to stop the war, 2. 290.
Roa Bárcena, J. M., on Mexican desire for war, 1. 116; value of his history, 404; on Texan boundary, 449; on American and Mexican armies, 469; on Taylor and Scott as conquerors, 2. 324, 511.
Roads, Mexican, 1. 16.
Roberts, B. S., on charge at Cerro Gordo, 2. 54; at Contreras, 104; at Chapultepec, 158, 410; hoists flag in Mexico City, 164.
Roberts, W. B., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 56, 57.
Robertson, J. B., on mistakes at Monterey, 1. 503.
Robinson, J. A., American consul at Guaymas, reports cited passim.
Robles, Manuel, and defences of Vera Cruz, 2. 19, 334; at Cerro Gordo, 42, 43, 45, 348.
Rockwell, J. A., on Walker, 2. 480.
Rogers, R. C., captured, 2. 444.
Roland, J. F., company of light artillery, 2. 366.
Roman Catholic church in Mexico, religious qualities, 1. 4, 7, 14, 22, 26; authority and character, wealth, 6-7, 408; and education, 14; Farías' attempted reforms, 45-6; and Seven Laws, 47; and Santa Anna's dictatorship, 52; fears American influence, 103; and war funds, 213-4, 223, 2. 254, 346, 347, 477; Santa Anna declares against ecclesiastical domination (1846), 1. 219; and war demands on its property, law of Jan. 11, 2. 8-11, 329; Beach's intrigue and revolt, 11-4, 330-2, 334; and Santa Anna after revolt, 15, 65, 85, 332; arrangement with Scott, 65-7, 331, 357-8; and peace, 125; incitation of religious fervor against Americans, 142, 346; American attitude toward, 211, 221, 324, 458, 459; in treaty of peace, 248, 468. See also Government; Oligarchy.
Romero, Manuel, at Monterey, 1. 243, 494; and Taylor's march to Victoria, 542.
Rosa, Luis de la, opposes peace negotiations (1847), 2. 136; as Peña's minister, 181, 428; at exchange of ratifications, appearance, 251; and reopening of peace negotiations, 463; minister at Washington, 475.
Rosita, Mexican privateer, 2. 192, 193.
Rothschilds, and American funds in Mexico, 2. 266, 488; and war borrowings, 481.
Rowan, John, claims commissioner, 1. 430.
Rowe, T. F., at siege of Puebla, 2. 424.
Royce, Josiah, on justice of acquiring California, 2. 322.
Ruiz de Apodaca. See Apodaca.
Sabine River, as boundary, 1. 63. Sacramento, Cal., and Sutter's trading post, 1. 318.
Sacramento River, battle of, Mexican force, 1. 306, 519; topography, Mexican defences, 306-8, 520; map, 307; Doniphan's formation, 308; his crossing of Arroyo Seco and gaining of plateau, 309; repulse of Mexican cavalry, 310; artillery duel, 310; capture of forts, 311-2, 520; losses, 312.
St. Louis, enlistments, 1. 195; and Santa Fe trail trade, 286.
St. Louis Missouri Reporter, attacks policy of forbearance, 1. 121; demand for war, 443.
St. Louis Republican, on rejection of Slidell, 1. 120; on war spirit, 132.
St. Louis Reveille, on war spirit, 1. 126.
St. Mary's, in occupation of Tampico, 1. 279, 2. 197; off Vera Cruz, 1. 486; in Home Squadron, 2. 197, 442.
Salas, J. M., revolt in favor of Santa Anna, 1. 217, 222, 485, 488; on Santa Anna at San Luis Potosi, 379; and Faras and Santa Anna, 2. 1, 4; and Polkos, 3; supports Moderados, 4; and rising against Farias, 13; captured at Contreras, 110, 378; and peace negotiations, 122; and guerilla warfare, 169; command in Army of the North, 369.