Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/625

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Saldaña, General, captured at Chapultepec, 2. 411.
Saltillo, road from Monterey, Worth's movement on it, 1. 239-44, 497; Taylor's advance and occupation of town, 264-6; Wool's expedition diverted to, 275, 358; Doniphan joins Wool, 313, 521; Santa Anna's plan against (Dec.), 357, 541; and battle of Buena Vista, 383, 395, 555, 556, 559; Valencia's plans against, 2. 165; under American rule, 213, 452; Wool's later force, 417; Hamtramck commands, 418.
San Agustín (Tlálpam), Scott's advance to, 2. 96-8, 374, 381.
San Angel, Patterson's division at, 2. 461.
San Antonio, Mex., fortification, 2. 98; American reconnaissance and advance, 102-3; capture, 112, 382.
San Antonio, Texas, danger of Mexican attack (1846), 1. 153; gathering of Wool's force, 267; aspect, 268.
San Antonio (Abad) garita, 2. 147.
San Bias, as port, 1. 3; blockade, 2. 206, 207, 448; not occupied, 207, 448.
San Blas battalion, at Chapultepec, 2. 410.
San Cosme garita, 2. 147; capture, 161-2, 413-4, 416.
San Diego, Cal., in the conquest, 1. 336, 340, 534.
San Fernando de Presas, 1. 259, 502.
San Fernando de Rosas, Wool at, aspect, 1. 272.
San Francisco, Cal., importance of port, effort to acquire, 1. 95, 323-4, 436.
San Gerónimo village, in battle of Contreras, 2. 104, 105, 107, 379, 380.
San Isidro, Harney at, 2. 94.
San Jacinto, battle of, 1. 47.
San José, Lower Cal., occupied, counter-attacks, 2. 208, 448, 449.
San Juan, American post, 2. 432.
San Juan Bautista, Perry's attacks, 2. 199, 204-5, 443, 445.
San Juan de Ulúa, fortress, captured by French, 1. 4.9; position and strength, 349, 536, 2. 19, 21, 333; plan, 21; and the siege, 33; surrender, occupation, 36, 340; plan for naval attack, 201, 444. See also Vera Cruz expedition.
San Lucas, occupied, 2. 208,
San Luis Potosí, situation, 1. 3; Santa Anna at, 375-80; his march against Taylor, 380; Scott's intention to occupy, 2. 184, 432; war-party insurrection, 240, 466.
San Luis Potosí battalion, at Monterey, 1. 494.
San Luis Potosí cavalry, at Monterey, 1. 494.
San Luis Potosí state, in discussion on peace, 2. 464.
San Pascual, Cal., battle, 1. 341-2; map, 341.
San Patricio, Texas, Taylor's intended movement, 1. 452.
San Patricio corps of Irish deserters, at Buena Vista, 1. 391, 393, 395; origin, 494, 550; at Churubusco, 2. 111, 117, 385; fate, 385.
Sanders, John, and artillery in Monterey campaign, 1. 228; in battle of Monterey, 246.
Sands, J. R., at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 338.
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, and education, 1. 14; first appearance, 31; in Itúrbide's revolt, 33; revolt against Itúrbide, 35; and overthrow of Pedraza (1828), 40, 41; and Spanish invasion, 41; appearance and character, 42, 54, 220, 414, 415, 487, 2. 312-3, 510; in retirement, 1. 44, 45, 47, 48, 52; restores Pedraza (1832), 44-5; elected President (1832), 45; dictator with reactionary support, 46, 415; plans, effect of Texan revolt, 47; loses leg in attack on French, hero, 49; undermines Bustamante, 49-50; and Paredes revolt, 50; seizes power (1841), dictatorship, 51-2; constitutional President, 53; overthrow, banished, 53-4; and United States and Texas, 63, 66, .45 6, 433; plans against Texas (1842-3), 67, 70; closes New Mexican trade, 72; and claims, 78; hatred of United States, 103; boasts power of army, 106; invites a blockade, 110; incites fears of Spanish America, 111; on desire for war, 116; "butcher," 117; Folk's negotiations (1846), 201-3, 471, 478-9, 2. 491, 493; combination against Paredes, 1. 215-7, 485; Alvarez' revolt in favor of, 216; return, 218, 486; manifesto, 219; position and caution, 219-22, 487; policy and command of army only, 222-4; reception at the capital, 222, 488; sets out for front, 223; and Monterey campaign, 230, 234, 494, 503; and termination of Monterey armistice, 264; and Tampico, 278, 511; potential army, 283, 513; policy toward northern frontier, 305; and Doniphan's march, 306; and California, 319; plan to attack during Taylor's Victoria march, 357; programme of one victory, 374-5; at San Luis Potosí, incites patriotism, 375; attitude of states toward, 376, 550; and National Guard and officers, 376; financial worries and operations, 377, 2. 254-5, 477; character of his northern army, 1. 377, 379, 550; rumors of his intended treachery and dictatorship, 378, 379, 551; inaction condemned, 379; plan to attack Taylor's weak and isolated force, 379, 543, 552; march, force, 380-2, 552-4; discovered by Americans, their flight to Buena Vista, 382-3, 554; battle of Buena Vista, 384-97; retires to preserve organized army, 397-8, 562; retreat to San Luis Potosí, 398; credited with victory, 399; robs treasury (1844), 432; and Texan boundary, 449; and Salas and Farías, 2. 1; and Puros, 2-5; and shelving of Farías, 4, 327; and election (1846), 5; and Church property, 9-12, 65, 329, 331; and clerical revolt, supersedes Farías, 134, 331; political position as Executive (1847), 14-5, 332; and defence of Vera Cruz, 20, 334; on surrender of Vera Cruz, 33, 341, 342; preparations against Scott below Perote, 40-2, 346; defences and force at Cerro Gordo, 42-5, 347, 348; battle of Cerro Gordo, 48-59, 352; flight, 55; in retreat, 67, 358; preparations at Orizaba, funds, 67, 359; political influences on movements, at Puebla, 68-9, 360; Amozoc affair, evacuates Puebla, 70, 360; loss of prestige after Cerro Gordo, 80, 367; as target for discontent, 82; return to capital with army, breach of faith, 82-3, 368; resumes executive power, opposition, 83-5; defied by states, 86-7; collection of matériel, 87; organization of army, its character and officers, 87-9, 369; plan of operation against Scott's advance, 89-90, 370; defences, 90; power and enthusiasm. for, on start of final campaign, 91-2; and Scott's march to San Agustin, 97-8, 374; confidence in, again lost, 98; southern line, 99-101, 374; and Valencia's occupation of Contreras field, 102, 375; and battle of Contreras, 105, 106, 110, 379, 380; preparations at Churubusco, 110-1, 382; battle of Churubusco, 112-9, 382-5; attitude toward peace on his return (1846), 122, 124, 386; and Trist mission, 130-2; peace move after Churubusco, 133; armistice, 133, 137-8, 394-6; activity during it, combination against him, 134, 136, 398; peace negotiations during armistice, 135-8, 396-400; preparations at Molino del Rey, 142; and the battle there, 144, 402, 404; preparations against attack on city, 152; and Chapultepec, 153-5, 410; at Belen garita, 159, 160, 413; at San Cosme garita, 161, 162; evacuates the city, 163, 415; and uprising in city, 167, 168, 420; and guerilla warfare, 169; siege of Puebla, 174-6; battle of Huamantla, 176-8, 425, 426; eliminated, 179-81,427, 428; yields command, 181, 429; voluntary exile, 181, 242, 429; and salary, 327; capture of his wooden leg, 354; Scott's proclamation on, 357; and British offer of mediation, 368; almost captured, 427. See also Mexico expedition.