Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/632

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Texas, Fort. See Brown.
Texas troops, rangers, 1. 143, 236; calls, 150, 480, 537; in Monterey campaign, 237, 241-4, 256, 492, 496, 501; and Santa Anna's advance, 382, 554; at Buena Vista, 389, 556; retaliation for guerillas, 2. 169; conduct, 212, 450; in Taylor's later force, 417; in Lane's operations, 427. See also Hays; Henderson, J. P.
Theatre, Mexican, 1. 24.
Thiers, L. A., and United States, 2. 296.
Third Artillery, in Twiggs's division, 1. 541; at Buena Vista, 555; in Scott's army, 2. 77; in California, 219; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; in Taylor's later force, 417; at Huamantla, 425.
Third Cavalry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494.
Third Dragoons, in Scott's army, 2. 77, 364, 432; origin, 363; in Taylor's later force, 417; in Lane's operations, 426, 427. See also Dragoons.
Third Infantry, at Fort Jesup, 1. 140; goes to Texas, 141-2; at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, 164, 167, 467; at Monterey, 250, 256, 492, 496, 502; in Harney's brigade, 541; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 54, 352; in Scott's army, 77; at Churubusco, 117; at siege of Vera Cruz, 343; at Chapultepec, 410.
Third Ligero, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 347; at Chapultepec, 410.
Third Line Infantry, Mexican, at Monterey, 1. 494; at Cerro Gordo, 2. 44, 347.
Thirteenth Infantry, in Taylor's force, 2. 417.
Thom, George, topographical engineer with Scott, 2. 366.
Thomas, G. H., at Reynosa, 1. 204; at Buena Vista, 394.
Thompson, G. L., special mission to Mexico, 1. 84, 85, 433.
Thompson, G. W., on Democratic dissensions, 2. 282.
Thompson, Waddy, minister at Mexico, and decree expelling Americans, 1. 73-4; and claims, 80, 426, 432; and Bocanegra's threat, 84; on Mexico and slavery, 188; opposes war, 189; encourages enemy, 2. 280.
Thornton, Edward, of British legation at Mexico, and Trist mission, 2. 130, 131, 390; and peace, 133; and reopening of negotiations, 237-9, 463; and mediation, 506.
Thornton, S. B., force captured, 1. 149, 455.
Thucydides, on vigilance in campaign, 1. 371; on power and justice, 2. 323. Thurman, A. G., on Delano's inconsistency, 2. 277; position in House, 496.
Tibbatts, J. W., regiment in Taylor's force, 2. 417.
Tiempo, monarchist organ, 1. 214; on Americans, 484.
Tilden, D. R., on regulars, 2. 320.
Tlacotálpam, Hunter at, 2. 344.
Tlálpam. See San Agustin.
Tlaxcala, Americans at, 2. 427. Tobacco monopoly, mismanagement, 2. 328.
Todos Santos, skirmish, 2. 449. Toluca, seat of Pena's government, 2. 180; occupied, 184, 433.
Toluca, Valley of, Americans in, 2. 134; aspect, 180.