Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/633

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Toluca battalion, at Chapultepec, 2. 408.
Toombs, Robert, on Polk and war, 1. 130; opposes war, 189.
Topaz, claim, 1. 424.
Topo road at Monterey, Worth's advance, 1. 239, 241-4, 497.
Topographical engineers with Scott, 2. 366.
Topography of Mexico, 1. 1. See also Physical aspect.
Tornel y Mendivil, J. M., appearance, 1. 25; character, 46; and Santa Anna's interests, 46, 49, 2. 83, 85; and Herrera, 1. 56; and Butler, 62; and expulsion of Americans, 73; and Paredes, 99; hatred of United States, 103; on Texas as theatre of war, 107; and hope in privateering, 109; and the war, 213, 484; and attack on Taylor, 456; and overthrow of Paredes, 485; opposes peace negotiations (1847), 2. 137; and clerical crusade against Americans, 142; and uprising in city, 167; and riot during armistice, 396; and Molino del Key, 404.
Torrejón, A., attacks Thornton, 1. 149; force at Matamoros, 158; on Taylor's line of communication, 162; at Palo Alto, 165, 167, 168; at Resaca de la Palma, 171; at Buena Vista, 390, 557; brigade in Monterey campaign, 494; at Las Bocas, 553; at Contreras, 2. 107, 110, 378.
Totten, J. G., chief engineer, 1. 475; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 335, 336.
Tower, Z. B., at Cerro Gordo, 2. 50, 56, 349; reconnoitres San Antonio, 102; at Contreras, 107, 379; engineer with Scott, 366; reconnoitres southern approach of capital, 408; and plan of attack on capital, 408.
Towns, aspect of Mexican, 1. 19-21.
Towson, Nathan, paymaster general, 1. 475.
Traconis, J. B., at San Juan Bautista, 2. 200.
Trade. See Commerce.
Traill, X. F., at Buena Vista, 1. 389.
Transportation, in Mexico, 1. 16, 18; in Taylor's advance to Monterey, 209, 227, 482, 490, 491, 493; in Wool's march, 274; Taylor's and guerilla warfare, 399-400, 2. 16970; Scott's problem and guerillas, 38, 62, 77, 171, 344, 355, 365, 422, 423.
Treasury. See Finances.
Treasury notes, American war issues, 2. 258, 260, 479-82.
Treaties and conventions, draft, of limits (1828), 1. 60, 418; of limits (1832), 61, 419; of amity and commerce, 61, 419; claims arbitration (1838, 1839), 79, 81, 431. See also Peace.
Trias, Angel, as governor of Chihuahua, 1. 305-6; battle of Sacramento, 30613, 519, 520; at Resales, 2. 166, 419.
Trigueros, Ignacio, conference with Santa Anna, 2. 368.
Trist, N. P., on monks, 1. 408; and Texas boundary, 449; appointment as Folk's agent, character, 2. 127; preconceived attitude toward Scott, 127; papers, 128; misunderstanding and quarrel with Scott, 128-9, 389; British mediation with Mexicans, 129-30, 390; reconciliation and harmony with Scott, 130, 392, 397; and douceur, 131-2; negotiations during armistice, 135-6, 138, 396-400; on Pillow, 185; reopens negotiations, 235, 463; recall, 236, 464; ignores it, 237-8, 465, 467; boundary ultimatum, 238; meetings and treaty, 239-40, 466; criticism of Polk, Folk's hatred, 244; ignored in ratification commission, 248, 473; on Scott, 316, 317; Mexican commissioners on, 323; and plan of attack on Mexico City, 408; on volunteers, 513.
Triton, blockader, 2. 448.
Trollope, Frances E., jibes, 2. 294.
Trousdale, William, at Chapultepec, 2. 154, 160, 410; regiment, 363.
Truxtun, wrecked, 2. 202, 445; in Home Squadron, 442.
Tucker, George, on Walker, 2. 480.
Tula, force at, 1. 550, 553.
Turnbull, William, topographical engineer with Scott, 2. 366.
Tuxpán, naval capture, 2. 202-3, 444.
Twelfth Infantry, in Scott's army 2. 78, 363, 422, 432; at Churubusco, 384; during Chapultepec, 408.
Twiggs, D. E., in Texas, 1. 143; rank controversy, 144; advances to Rio Grande, 146; at Palo Alto, 164, 167; in Monterey campaign, 250, 404, 492, 496; division reorganized, 357, 541; to Tampico, 357, 365-6; at Lobos Islands, 368; landing at Vera Cruz, 2. 26; at siege, 27, 30, 343; march of division to Cerro Gordo, 39, 45-8, 345, 349; force and artillery, 45; appearance and character as general, 48; blunders into Cerro Gordo defences and retreats, 48, 349; question of assault, 49; in the battle, 50-3, 350, 352, 354; march to Puebla, 72; division in Scott's army, 77, 356; in advance from Puebla, 92, 94, 97, 371; at Contreras, 103, 109, 380; at Churubusco, 113, 383, 385; force after the battle, 120; during armistice, 134; advance after armistice, 142, 401; and plan of attack on Mexico City, 149, 408; feint during Chapultepec, 152, 153, 409; court of inquiry on Worth, 361; on credit for Contreras, 376; governor of Vera Cruz, 457; and peace negotiations, 464.