Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/635

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Vera Cruz state, guerilla warfare, leaders, 2. 169, 171, 421; American assessment on, 265; appeal to Mexican factions, 334; manifesto on Santa Anna, 359. See also Soto.
Veramendi, M. R., and uprising against Americans, 2. 420.
Vergara Camp, 2. 222.
Verónica causeway, 2. 147, 161; advance over, 161.
Vesuvius, in attack on Tuxpán, 2. 444; in Home Squadron, 445, 446.
Vice, prevalence in Mexico, 1. 22, 23, 26, 27. See also Gambling; Liquor.
Vice Presidency, abolished in Mexico, 2. 15.
Victoria, Guadalupe, as partisan leader, 1. 32; in Itúrbide's revolt, 33; revolt against Itúrbide, 35; as President, 37-40; and Texas, 60, 418; and commercial treaty, 61.
Victoria, Taylor's march, 1. 357-60, 541-2; Santa Anna's plan to attack, 357; Patterson's march, 360-2, 542, 543; map of his march, 360; march from, to Tampico, 365-6, 546; Taylor leaves, 368.
Victoria battalion, formation, 2. 3; at San Antonio, 112, 384.
Vidal, Luis, and Doniphan's advance, 1. 301, 518.
Viga garita, 2. 148.
Vigas, as defensive point, 2. 39; Worth at, 60.
Vigil y Alarid, J. B., receives Kearny at Santa Fe, 1. 296.
Vigne, G. T., on American rule at Jalapa, 2. 225.
Villages, aspect of Mexican, 1. 19.
Villevêque, ——, French agent in Mexico, reports cited passim.
Vinton, J. R., at Monterey, 1. 246.
Vinton, S. F., position in House, 2. 496.
Virginia, legislature on the war, 1. 119. See also next title.
Virginia troops, calls, 1. 537, 2. 364; in Taylor's later force, 417: slow response to call, 431.
Vixen, in occupation of Tampico, 1. 279; in attack on Alvarado, 2. 198, 199; in Tabasco expedition, 200; in attack on Tuxpán, 203, 444; at siege of Vera Cruz, 338; in Home Squadron, 446.
Voltigeur regiment, in Scott's army, 2. 78, 422, 432; at Chapultepec, 154-7; origin and status, 363; at Churubusco, 385; at Molino del Rey, 402, 403.
Volunteers, authorization, 1. 182, 190; errors in system, term, officers, their character, 191-2, 207, 474; Taylor and, 191, 474, 2. 212, 450; first call and response, 1. 1925, 445, 475, 476; mustering, New Orleans camp, and voyage to Texas, 195-6, 475; Gaines's six-months men, 196, 205, 452, 476, 2. 272, 511; conditions in Texan camps, morale, 205-8, 480, 481; further calls, 351, 537, 2. 76, 364, 430, 431; Wool on, 1. 371; term-expired men leave Scott, 2. 63-4, 356; infamous conduct at Matamoros, 211-2, 450; excesses at Monterey, 212, 450; and elsewhere, 213, 214, 224, 225; officers and their men, 215; statistics, 318; contrast with regulars, 319-20, 512-3; authorized size of army (1847), 431; supposed number {Nov., 1847), 432. See also Army; names of states.
Von Hoist, H. E. See Hoist.
Voz del Pueblo, advocates war, 1. 107, 434; on chances of expected war, 110; on Slidell mission, 436.
Wagons. See Transportation.
Walker, Sir Baldwin, and American commander, 2. 446.