Page:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu/636

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Walker, R. J., and expansion, 1. 188; and the war, 471; and absorption of Mexico, 2. 243, 244; opposes treaty of peace, 246; pre-war financial estimates, 255; tariff and political ambition, 257, 478; and need of more revenue, 258, 260, 480; loan negotiations, distrusted, 259i 260, 262, 480-2; proposed tax on tea and coffee, 261, 482; tariff for Mexican ports, 261-2; and levies on Mexicans, 264-5, 487; opposition to policy, 273, 281; as leader, 282; integrity, 488.
Walker, S. H., surprise, 1. 160, 463; bold trip to Fort Brown, 464; at Monterey, 501; operations against guerillas, 2. 172, 423; appearance, 177; at Huamantla, killed, 177, 425, 426.
Wall, William, at Punta Aguda, 1. 562.
Wallace, Lew, enlistment of company, 1. 195.
Wallace, W. H. L., at Buena Vista, 1. 561.
Walpole, Frederick, on California and independence, 1. 321.
War, simplicity, 1. x; principles, 405.
War department, staff, 1. 474. See also Marcy, W. L.
War of 1812, Federalist opposition, 2. 280.
War spirit. See Attitude; Outbreak; Popularity.
Ward, H. G., British minister at Mexico, and Monroe Doctrine, 1. 112; on Mexican character, 410; and Texas, 419.
Warehouse bill of 1846, 2. 257, 479; success, 263; opposition, 273.
Warren, W. B., at Saltillo, 1. 556.
Warren, in Pacific squadron, 2. 189, 205, 447.
Washington, J. M., battery at Buena Vista, 1. 384, 386, 389, 344, 555, 558; field battery, 450; in Wool's march, 509.
Washington, Camp, before Vera Cruz, 2. 27.
Washington and Baltimore battalion, at Monterey, 1. 250, 251, 492, 496; in Quitman's brigade, 541; garrison at Tampico, 546; at siege of Vera Cruz, 2. 343.
Washington Globe, on war spirit, 1. 132.
Washington National Intelligencer.
See National Intelligencer.
Washington Union, and Folk's alleged desire for war, 1. 446; on failure of peace negotiations, 2. 138; challenge to Polk's critics, 284; and victorious war, 292.
Watson, S. E., brigade in Scott's army, 2. 78, 366, 432.
Weatherford, William, at Buena Vista, 1. 555.
Weber, J. L., on Mexican army, 1. 408.
Webster, Daniel, Bocanegra correspondence, 1. 68; protests further war on Texas, 69; on Mexican responsibility, 76, 2. 508; and annexation of Texas, 1. 82, 433; on Slidell mission, 98; on claims controversy, 120; and California, 127, 324; on Polk and war, 130; and war bill, 183, 472; and employment of volunteers, 192; and advance to Rio Grande, 458; and peace, 2. 123, 387; opposition to the war, 126; pessimism on peace prospects, 235; and treaty of peace, 247, 472, 473; on cost of the war, 267; ineffective war criticism, 278-80, 494; on control of occupied territory, 285; on tariff, 286; and no-territory plan, 288; Presidential candidacy and success of war, 291; results of opposition, 314; and defensive-line policy, 430; on war and slavery extension, 492; and Corwin's speech, 494; position in Senate, 496; on tariff for Mexican ports, 500; on American attitude toward Mexico, 508; on volunteers, 513.
Webster, L. B., battery in Monterey campaign, 1. 496; at Saltillo, 556, 559.
Weed, Thurlow, and Taylor's Presidential candidacy, 1. 179.
Weightman, R. H., battery in Kearny's expedition, 1. 288, 515; in battle of Sacramento, 310, 312.
Welles, Gideon, on Marcy, 1. 475; on tariff, 2. 273.
Wellington, Duke of, on Scott's expedition, 2. 89.
Wells, J. M., guerilla attack on, 2. 172.
Wenghieri, Alonzo, arms for Mexican army, 2. 346.
Wentworth, John, and tax on tea and coffee, 2. 285.
West Point, value of training, 2. 320. See also Army.
Westcott, J. D., Jr., position in Senate, 2. 496.
Whale fishery, American, and occupation of California, 1. 323, 2. 514; and Mexican War, 205, 446, 447.
Whig Almanac, on Polk, 2. 276.