Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/112

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Are you not aquanted with the Earl of Exetor, what if you writt a letter to him to speak to his mother, and tell him its the ladys parson and not her mony that has charmed you.

��[Peter Wentworth.]

22 July, 1709.

Dear Brother,

  • * * *

People are generally very angry here at soe many Palitanes being brought over here, and say the Government shou'd have known what to have done with them before they had admited them. And they begin to make reports as if they wou'd bring a Plague among us for they die in heaps at Black heath, of malignant fevours and smal pox, and have graves dug to burry them on the heath. We of the Prince's family have been told that out of Mr. Compton's office the Queen pays to them above a 100/. a day, so that is one reason makes the Queen delay signing the Establishment for the family, for as soon as that was sign'd we shou'd be all runing to receive mony there, and ready to join with the common cry of Charity begins at home, and that these forreigners are a Plague to us.*

  • A few notices of these Palatines, and other poor German Protestants

(about 6,000 in number) driven to England by the desolation of their country by the French, occur in the French news-letters sent to Lord Raby :—

17-28 J urn, 1709.

" La Cour a donnd des ordres pour faire dresser un Etat des noms, age, religion, and profession de chaque Chef des dites families, dont le plus grand nombre est des laboureurs and vignerons. Le Chevalier William Penn, fameux Chef des Trembleurs, ayant demande permission d'employer quelques families de ces pauvres Palatins, sa demande lui k €\.€ octroyde, et demain 70 Families doivent, s'embarquer pour aller en Pensilvanie.

24 Juin-S Jtcillet, 1 709.

" Le Conseil a enfin resolu d'etablir une Partie des pauvres Palatins et autres AUemands Protestants dans la Nouvelle Foret de S. M. pr^s de

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