Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/113

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The Last Tatler is upon Dr Ratclif who they say is desparately in love with Dutchess of Bolton, his passion runs so high as to declare he'll make her eldest son his heir, upon wch account they say the Duke of B——— is not at all alarm'd, but gives the Old amorist opportunity to make his Court, the Dr lately gave the Dutchess and some other Ladys an entertainmt of musick upon the water, and a fine supper in the Barge.

29 July, 1709.


I shou'd have given you a key to the two Tatlers I sent you last, the Brussel Postscript are verses of Crowders. He show'd them me in manuscript. Aurenzeb is Tom Colson, who never had any friendship with any body but Sr Edward Symour, who brought him into Parliament.

This Tatler I know nothing of, only they say the Dutchess of Montague has lately lost a bitch she call'd fidel, and has had it cry'd.

We have had great news wch is not yet generally received as Authentick, it comes over by one major Reding, a Prisoner, who's arriv'd from Calls, and reports that just before he came thence, there came letters wch caused a great Melancholy in the Air of every body, and they got into corners whisper'd and avoided letting him hear, but he was well acquainted with the Commissar who, upon inquirery, told him they had recd very bad news from Italy, that Count Taun had fain

    Southampton, où il y a beaucoup de Terres à defricher; et d'envoyer le reste dans les Colonies de l'Amérique. 1-12 Juillet, 1709. "On a dejà tendu 400 Tentes pour les pauvres Palatins à Camberwell et 600 à Blackhead (sic) et comme ce nombre ne suffit pas, on leur a distribuè 600 autres à la Tour, qu'il doivent tendre à Blackhead. 24 July-4 August, 1709. "Nonobstant les murmures qui se sont dlevez parmi la Populace contre les Palatins, una Foule du Monde va journellement voir leurs camps à Camberwell et àBlackheath, ou on leur fait des grandes charitez. De sorte qu'ils vivent fort bien et contracter plusieurs mariages entr'eux."