Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/416

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motion made to pass any sensure upon him. My Lord Wharton mov'd a long question, but the meaning of it short was, that whatever did belong the Queen the lords wou'd address her to give it intirely to the company. My Lord Bullingbrook made a short speech but spook very handsomely, as that tho' he spoke to them with some concern it did not proceed from any consciousness of any thing wrong that he had done, but for the nation, that the humour shou'd run to mistake things as they did ; he had leave from the Queen now to tell them that 75 p.c. reserved for Gillingham was designed for people beyond sea, wch at first made people stair, but at last was understood to bribe the Spanish Minister ; and he told of the Bargain that France had made for the licence of six ships to go to the south sea with several lOOO of Rixdolar and at the 12 [month.?] end the ships to be the king of Spain's, and they broak the bargain with them and gave us this advantage treaty. He thank God this was not a time to have inuendos, private hints and insinuations do any man an injury as to his life and fortune ; when any perticulars were plainly laid to him 'twas time to answere. Mr. Boyer has told you in his french letter how the matter ended and I fearing to be too late for the Office shall end. I don't send you the printed address because he has sent it in his letter. Pray send word how you like these letters, for you are to pay a guinea a month and if you don't like them you had best stop at the first month.

��[News Letters.]

July 9, 1 7 14.

This Day the Queen went to the House of Lords and gave the Royal assent to the Lottery Bill — Militia — Vagrants — Longitude — Dagenham Breach — Linnen Cloth — Equivalent — Popish Recusants — Reducing the Rates of Interest — for preserving Ships and Goods — to prevent listing of Soldiers — The Curates Bill, and to 14 private Bills, and afterwards made a speech to this effect, viz.

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