Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/417

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My Lords and Gentlemen,

The progress you have made in the Publick Business and the Season of the year makes it necessary to put an end to this Session.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I return you my hearty thanks for your services to mc and my Country parti- cularly for the supplies.

She hoped to meet her Parliament early next Winter pre- pared with matters for establishing Commerce with France and Spain to the satisfaction of all persons concerned, and recommended a Disposition to lay aside all Divisions, then both Houses were prorogued to the loth of August.

��July, 1 7 14. My Lord,

Having very little news to write and yet being loth that this should come empty to your Lordship, I have enclosed

the O 's speech and a Spectatour, the former of which, the

Whiggs very much exclaim against, as having not soe much as mentioned the House of Hanover and as being (as they are pleased to say) more than a little too severe in the last Paragraph ; the latter is thought to be wrote as a Banter upon those blank A B's and C D's mentioned in the H. of Lords in last Thursday's Debate, as to be sharers of the Fourth part belonging to her M of wch debate I reckon your Lord- ship has already had a more exact account than I can write. It is confidently reported (tho' the insolence of it makes it somewhat incredible) that last Tuesday Lord Nott. should say in the H. of Lords that this Peace patch'd up with Spaine was so infamous that he believed K. James the 2d who was expell'd for male-administration would have scorn'd to have signed it, had he been now alive and in Power, nay that even that Person, whom some People had the impudence to stile K. James the 3d, if he had the reins in his hand, would have scorn'd so far to have betray'd the interest of his people. One Mons. Boyer has been taken up for conveying to the

Press those letters wch were said to be wrote by the Q

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