Page:The Wentworth Papers 1715-1739.djvu/418

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and Lord T ^^^ p_ gophia and the El. of Han. but

whether they have di^-^g^^ j^j^^^^ qj- what they intend to doe with him, I cannot yet i ^^^^ j ^q^q j shall not trouble your Lordship with repetition, . y write you word how they came to be publick with us ; it is if^ ^^g^^- the El. communicated them to the D. of Marlb. as ' gj-gat secret ; but that the Dutchess accidentally lighting on \>=rr\ thought it her duty to communicate a matter of so grea consequence to one Mr. Boscowen a Relation of hers in Loiion ; who was so generous as to communicate it to his Friencls,and they to

theirs, and so on from that courageous speech of LoruB k s

wch he made in the H. on Thursday last, showing hr. readi- ness to clear himself of whatever should be laid to his ciarge.

Somepersonsconjecture that Lord T and he are reconciled

by the mediation of the D. of Shrewsbury ; others think that there never was any such thing as a real quarrell, but that t was a sham enmity acted on both sides with a design only iC retard the vigorous proceedings which they expected from the W — ggs, who being brought to a coolness might be induced to leave them to unmask one another ; others think that there really was, and is still an irreconcileable enmity

between them, and that what Lord B k said, proceeded

from an assurance that he had of his own preeminence in her

M 's favour wch last seems to have the greatest air of

probability, if it be true (as people report) that Lord B k

should say, that the D. of Shrewsbury had endeavoured to

heave him out of her M 's favour, but that he had been

too hard for him too. If there be any thing else material, I suppose your Lordship has it in the enclosed, and therefore not to be tedious I am &c.

Jti/y, 1 7 14. My Lord,

On Wednesday last, the day on which Lord Nott. was to make his motion, to consider the condition of our Com- merce with Spain, the Bill of the Commissioners of Accompts was brought in from the H. of Comm. to the H. of Lords and had its first reading, when the Whiggs thinking that they

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