Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/192

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Pup. Dame, mistress, though I do not turn the spit,
I hope yet the pig's head.

Dame T. Come up, Jack sauce;
It shall be serv'd in to you.

Pup. No, no service,
But a reward for service.

Dame T. I still took you
For an unmannerly Puppy: will you come,
And vetch more wood to the vire, master Ball?

Pup. I, wood to the vire! I shall piss it out first:
You think to make me e'en your ox or ass,
Or any thing: though I cannot right myself
[Exit.On you, I'll sure revenge me on your meat.


The Same.

Before Turfe's House.

Enter lady Tub, Pol Martin, and Wispe.

Pol. Madam, to Kentish Town we are got at length;
But by the way we cannot meet the 'squire,
Nor by inquiry can we hear of him.
Here is Turfe's house, the father of the maid.

Lady T. Pol Martin, see! the streets are strew'd with herbs;
And here hath been a wedding, Wispe, it seems.
Pray heaven this bride-ale be not for my son!