Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/193

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Good Martin, knock, knock quickly: ask for Turfe.
My thoughts misgive me, I am in such a doubt—

Pol. [knocking.] Who keeps the house here?

Pup. [within.] Why the door and walls
Do keep the house.

Pol. I ask then, who's within?

Pup. [within.] Not you that are without.

Pol. Look forth, and speak
Into the street here. Come before my lady.

Pup. [within.] Before my lady! Lord have mercy upon me:
If I do come before her, she will see
The handsomest man in all the town, pardee!
Enter Puppy from the house.
Now stand I vore her, what zaith velvet she?

Lady T. Sirrah, whose man are you?

Pup. Madam, my master's.

Lady T. And who's thy master?

Pup. What you tread on, madam.

Lady T. I tread on an old Turfe.

Pup. That Turfe's my master.

Lady T. A merry fellow! what's thy name?

Pup. Ball Puppy
They call me at home; abroad, Hannibal Puppy.

Lady T. Come hither, I must kiss thee, valentine Puppy.
Wispe, have you got a valentine?

Wispe. None, madam:
He's the first stranger that I saw.

Lady T. To me
He is so, and as such, let's share him equally.
[They struggle to kiss him.

Pup. Help, help, good dame! A rescue, and in time.