Page:The Works of Ben Jonson - Gifford - Volume 6.djvu/278

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Cla. The billing pair.

Alken. And so are understood
For simple loves, and sampled lives beside.

Mel. Faith, so much virtue should not be envièd.

Alken. Better be so than pitied, Mellifleur:
For 'gainst all envy, virtue is a cure;
But wretched pity ever calls on scorns.—
[Horns within.
The deer's brought home; I hear it by their horns.

Enter Marian, John, and Scarlet.

Rob. My Marian, and my mistress!

[They embrace.Mar. My loved Robin!

Mel. The moon's at full, the happy pair are met.

Mar. How hath this morning paid me for my rising!
First, with my sports; but most with meeting you.
I did not half so well reward my hounds,
As she hath me to day; although I gave them
All the sweet morsels call'd tongue, ears, and dowcets!

Rob. What, and the inch-pin?

Mar. Yes.

Rob. Your sports then pleased you?

Mar. You are a wanton.

Rob. One, I do confess,
I want-ed till you came; but now I have you,
I'll grow to your embraces, till two souls
Distilled into kisses through our lips,
[kisses her.Do make one spirit of love.

Mar. O Robin, Robin!

Rob. Breathe, breathe awhile; what says my gentle Marian?

Mar. Could you so long be absent?