sion, with abundance of wit. He is brave in his person, much of a libertine, of a middle stature, fair complexion, and 50 years old. The most universal villain I ever knew.
He is brave in his person, bold in his expressions, and rectifies as fast as he can the slips of his youth by acts of honesty; which he now glories in more, than he was formerly extravagant. He was little better than a conceited talker in company.
Is the first branch of the ancient family of Grey. The present gentleman was much esteemed, when lord Ruthen; was always very moderate, has good sense, and a good estate; which, with his quality, must make him always bear a considerable figure in the nation; he is a handsome man, not above 40 years old. He seems a good natured man, but of very little consequence.
A fine gentleman, has both wit and learning. I never observed a grain of either.
A gentleman of fine parts, makes a good figure in the counties of Oxford and Buckingham, is very high for the monarchy and church, of a black complexion, past 40 years old. Very covetous.
He is very subtle and cunning, never entered into