the measures of king William; nor ever will, in any probability, make any great appearance, in any other reign. He is above 60 years old. If it be old Chesterfield, I have heard he was the greatest knave in England.
A gentleman of learning, parts, and a lover of the constitution of his country; a short fat man, 50 years old. Intolerably lazy and indolent, and somewhat covetous.
A third son of the family of Duras in France; he came over with one of the duke of York's family; is a middle-statured brown man, turned of 50 years old. He was a very dull old fellow.
He is a very pretty gentleman, fair complexioned, and past 30 years old. And good for nothing.
A free jolly gentleman, turned of 40 years old. Of very little sense; but formal, and well stocked with the low kind of lowest politicks.
He is of good understanding, and very capable to be in the ministry; a wellbred gentleman, and an agreeable companion; handsome, of a brown complexion; 40 years old. A very moderate degree of understanding.