A sweet disposed gentleman; he joined king William at the revolution, and is a zealous assertor of the liberties of the people; a thin, brown, handsome man, middle stature, turned of 40 years old. Had very little in him.
Was warm against king William's reign, and does not make any great figure in this; but his son Mr. Bridge's[1] does; being a member of the house of commons, one of the counsellors to the prince, and a very worthy gentleman. But a great complier with every court.
Is son to the lord keeper North, has been abroad, does not want sense, nor application to business, and his genius leads him that way. He is fat, fair, of middle stature, and past 30 years old. A mighty silly fellow.
Having followed king James's fortunes, is now in France. He was always a great sportsman, and brave; a good companion, turned of 60 years old. His son was a plain drunken fellow.
This lord is a great lover of country sports; is
- ↑ Afterward duke of Chandos.