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Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/408

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I. p. 14, Note. On Swift's early Odes, see vol. xviii. p. 241.
172, l. 3 from bott. dele you.
236, Note. For Dean read Deane.
270, l. 18, for 29 read 19.
383, l. 14, for think read thing.
II. vi, Note, l. 3 from bott. for 1760 read 1716.
272, l. 7, for garland read garlands.
l. 10, for satires read satyrs.
III. 165, Note, For stent and read superfluous and an.
IV. 250, l. 9, for the peace read a peace.
V. 14, Note*. For 1710 read 1707.
—— ————+. For 1727 read 1707.
87, l. 6 from bott. for difinition read definition.
423, l. 2, for Letter of read Letter to.
VIII. 403, Note*. For conts read contes.
IX. 134, l. 17, for fair read fare.
383, Penult. for eighteenth read eighth.
408, l. 12, for conncil read council.
X. 214, Note, For respect read result.
XI. 208, l. 2, for Someset read Somerset.
342, l. 2, for 1712 read 1714.
XII. 136, l. 4 from bott. for June read January.
324, l. 9 from bott. for 1729 read 1739.
XIII. 238, l. 1, for Lord Bathurst read W. Pulteney, esq.
250, Note*. For Harte read Hort.
379, l. 11 from bott. The + should be after Richardson.
XIV. 114, l. 6, for 1736 read 1730.
196, Notes, l. 4 from bott. for tands read stands.
229, Note*. For vol. xviii, read vol. v, page 176.
237, Note, l. 2 from bott. for vol. xviii, &c. read vol. xv, pp. 357, 359; and of her sister, ibid. p. 71.
239, Note*. For vol. xviii, p. 1, &c. r. vol. xi, p. 17.
278, Note. For vol. xviii, read vol. v, p. 176.
XVI. 311, l. 7, for Staffold read Saffold.
XVIII. 3, The "Preamble" will be found in vol. xvi, p. 336.
332, l. 4 from bott. for Mr. read Dr.
374, l. 10 from bott. for 1738-9 read 1737-8.
430, l. 12, for tribuananr read tribuantur.
XIX. 88, l. 9 from bott. Add a comma after inter, and dele the comma after quos.
98, l. 13, for raised read rased.