Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 8.djvu/437

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ONCE on a time, in merry mood,
Jove made a Pun of flesh and blood;
A double, two-fac'd living creature,
Androgynos, of twofold nature,
For back to back with single skin
He bound the male and female in;
So much alike, so near the same,
They stuck as closely as their name.
Whatever words the male exprest,
The female turn'd them to a jest;
Whatever words the female spoke,
The male converted to a joke:
So, in this form of man and wife,
They led a merry punning life.
The Gods from Heaven descend to Earth,
Drawn down by their alluring mirth;
So well they seem'd to like the sport,
Jove could not get them back to court.
Th' infernal Gods ascend as well,
Drawn up by magick puns from Hell.
Judges and furies quit their post,
And not a soul to mind a ghost.
"Heyday!" says Jove; says Pluto too,
"I think the Devil's here to do;

  1. This and the following poem were originally published with "The Art of Punning;" as were also the verses by Dr. Swift in vol. VII, p. 231.
