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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/23

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Adonidum in Messrs. Loddiges' stove houses, 123

Walmesley, Vivian

Ringdove, & Reed warbler, 222 ; Pug- naceous disposition of blackcap, 356

Waterton, Charles

Cayman, 150; Combat betwixt two hares, 211

White, Adam

Description of Erycina Margaretta, 28 ; Monstrosity in the antennae of a beetle, 29

Wilcox, W.

Early arrival of martins, 145

Willoughby, S.

Occurrence of rare birds in Lincoln- shire, 247 ; Capture of the pine mar- ten in Lincolnshire, 345 ; Occurrence of Arctic tern, young and adult, in Lincolnshire, 365 ; Occurrence of a young cuckoo in a reed-warbler's nest, 352 ; The snow bunting, 352

Wollaston, Vernon

Coleopterous insects occurring at Launceston, 115; Near Cambridge, 116; Captures of Curculionidae 174; Odacantha melanura, 198; Capture of Coleoptera in Lincolnshire, 269

Worsley, Anna

Bats flying by daylight, 212

Yarrell, William, F.L.S.

Birds lately ascertained to be British, 79 ; New or rare fishes in England, 85


Acherontia Atropos, capture of, 31

Acronycta Ligustri, 333

Agonum affine, note on, 339

Aleochara, species of, 271

Alligators in East Florida, 41

Amara, habits of some species of, 339

Animals which force other animals to form a house for their protection, 202

Anthrocera Loti, 331

Ants, note on the economy of, 335 ; battle of, 335

Aphides, and the larva of a fly which de- stroys them, 123 ; shower of, 128

Argynnis Lathonia, capture of, 30

Avocet near Yarmouth, 148, 235

Badger, 344

Badister bipustulatus, 340

Bat, noctule, 213

Bats occurring at Epping, 6 ; flying by daylight, 6, 35, 75, 212, 343 ; oc- curring at Teignmouth, 75

Bears in Canada, 133

Beaver, occurrence of the bones of near Ely, 348

Bee-hives, note on, 95 ; glass bee-hive, 1 13

Bees, power possessed by to raise a queen from an egg destined to produce a worker, 158; new British, 261 ; sin- gular situation of a nest, 336 ; note on nests of, in snail-shells, 336 ; en- quiry respecting the humble-bee 336

Birds, summer, arrival of at Epping, 12 ; notices of at Epping, 13 ; migra- tory, appearance of near Sheffield, 13 ; migratory, 15 ; occurrence of on board ship, 15 ; shot at South- end, 39; shot in February, 41 ; ear- ly incubation of, 76; lately ascer- tained to be British, 79 ; in March, 81 ; water, occurring at Kingsbury reservoir, 102; migration of, 103; in April, 104 ; of Sussex, 137,225 ; occurrence of rare British, in Corn- wall, 140 ; occurrence of rare Bri- tish near Garstang, 145 ; migration of, 147 ; occurrence of rare British, 148 ; capture and appearance of rare British in the county of Derby, 178; occurrence of rare British, near Great Yarmouth, 180; near Kendal, effects of the late mild winter on, 183; on the habits of, 185; in June, 191; on the arrival of summer in the in- terior of E. Lothian, 219; arrival of summer, near Jedburgh, 220 ; arri- val of summer, near Leicester, 220 ; arrival of summer at Epping, 222 ; notes on various, 238 ; curious note of, 240 ; occurrence of rare in Lin- colnshire, 247; arrival of summer, near Sheffield, 247; arrival of sum- mer, near Yarmouth, 248 ; depar- ture of winter, from Yarmouth, 248 ; moulting of, 249; injurious toAgri-