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culture, and the benefits also derived from them, 296, 366 ; capture and appearance of, in Derbyshire, 311 ; migration of, 313 ; bills of, 362 ; nests of, 380

Bittern, little, 225

Blackbird, anecdote of, 352 ; food of, 366

Blackcap in January, 76, 356 ; pugnaci- ous disposition of, 356

Blighted trees, 272, 337, 338

Boar fish at Brighton, occurrence of, 191 ; note on, 192

Bohemian chatterer near Teignmouth, 188

Boxes, entomological collecting, 177

Brambling near Farnham, 188 ; food of, 299

Bream, sea, Couch's, described, 81

Broscus cephalotes, 271

Bunting, food of, 301 ; lark, on the occur- rence of near Milnthorpe, 316, 352; snow, 303, 352

Bustard, occurrence of near the Lizard point, 144

Butterfly, peacock, in December, 64

Butterflies occurring near Dover, 113; re- markable abundance of hybernat- ing, 176

Buzzard, honey, changes of plumage, 375

Calocampa vetusta, capture of at Birch- wood, 334

Carabus, on the British species of, 338

Cat, reasoning power in, 74

Caterpillar, walking branch, note on, 335

Catocala Fraxini, capture of, 30

Cayman, anecdote of, 149 ; note on, 150

Centipede, electric, 160

Ceratopaeha octogesima, occurrence of at Epping, 201

Cerura vinula, 332

Chatterer, Bohemian, occurrence of near Teignmouth, 188

Chaffinch, food of, 297

Chrysomela Banksii, 271

Cicindela campestris, 271

Cionus, on the species of, and Sphaerula Lythri, 271

Cis Boleti, larva of, 116

Claviger foveolatus, note on the capture of, 200, 266

Coleoptera frequenting damp places, 114 ; occurring at Launcestou, 115; oc- curring near Cambridge, 116; dur- ing a flood, 116,177; in Lincoln- shire, 269 ; near Edinburgh, 340

Colias Hyale, capture of, 30, 259, 260, 331 ; Philodice, note on, 175; Elec- tra or Edusa, occurrence of, 258, 330, 331 ; periodical occurrence of, 176

Cœlioxys umbrina, 63

Couch's sea bream, description of, 81

Crickets, note on, 340

Critical papers, enquiry respecting the ad- mission of, 156

Cross-bill, 39; white-winged, 142, 221 ; breeding in the Holt forest, 189

Crow, carrion, habits of, 304 ; defence of, 367 ; hooded, breeding in Norfolk, 315 ; habits of, 366; Royston, 350

Cuckoo, anecdote of a young, in a reed- warbler's nest, 352

Cucullia Asteris, 333

Curculionidæ near Cambridge, capture of, 174

Curlew, note on the pigmy, and dunlin, 316; stone, eggs of, 363

Cyclopsina Arietis,56; Rivillei, 58; Slab- beri, 59

Cythere inopinata, 195

Dabchick, habits of, 364

Daphnia brachiata, 196

Deer, red, anecdote of, 349

Deilephila Galii, capture of, 31

Description of Erycina Margaretta, 28 ; of Cyclopsina Arietis, 56; of C: Ri- villei, 58 ; of C. Slabberi, 59; of Oithona plumifera, 59 ; of O. splen- dens, 61 ; of Ccelioxys umbrina, 63 ; of Couch's sea bream, 81 ; of Mul- ler's top-knot, 106 ; of Leptocircus Curiusand L.Meges, 111 ; of seve- ral species of the genus Phyllium, 117; of Psychopsis mimica, 125 ; of the British wasps, 161 ; of Cy there inopinata, 195; of Daphnia brachi- ata, 196; of Thymara Zaida, 197; of a new British bee, 261 .

Diver, northern, breeds in Shetland, 365

Dog, pointer, anecdote of, 35

Dottrell, habits of, 363

Dreissena polymorpha, on the multiplica- tion of, 255

Duck, wild, food of, 374

Dytiscus punctulatus, note on the habits of, 200

Eagle, sea, capture of, 36 ; golden, 178

Echinodermata occurring in Northumber- land, 275

Eel, note on the voracity of the, 108, 323

Elampus Panzeri, 264

Enquiry respecting a stridulant insect, 31

Entomostraca, British, descriptions of, 55, 193

Ephemeræ, notes on, 272

Epipone laevipes, 264

Erycina Margaretta, description of, 28