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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/25

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Fieldfare, note on, 238 ; on the late de- parture of, 246

Fishes, rare, occurrence of in England, 85; preservation of, 192; certain, remaining stationery in size, 322 ; on the capture of large in the Trent, 323

Fleas infesting the holes of the sand-mar- tin, 128

Formica sanguinea, 262

Fowl, domestic, anecdote of, 361

Goldfinch, food of, 300

Gold fish, having vegetable fibres arising from an ulcer, 84

Goose, wild, food of, 373

Gorgonia verrucosa, on the nature of the axis of, 276

Grebe, eared, on the occurrence of at Ox- ford, 223

Greenfinch, food of, 301

Grouse, red, 186 ; black, 187 ; habits of red, 306; cream-coloured, 361; food of, 373

Guildford, captures near, 30

Gull, herring, occurrence of at Worcester, 104 ; masked, habits of in confine- ment, 242 ; black-headed, habits of, 245 ; voracity of, 248 ; common, food of, 374

Haltica Brassicæ, note on, 340

Hampshire, captures of insects in, 262

Hares, anecdote of a combat betwixt two, 211

Hawfinch, note on, 40

Hawks, occurrence of near Sheffield, 247

Hedgehog, apology for the, 345

Heliothis armigera, capture of near Sal- ford, 260

Heliothrips Adonidum, occurrence of, 123

Heron, Cassian, occurrence of, 78 ; Squac- co, near Penzance, 143, 189

Hobby, orange-legged, occurrence of, 78; occurrence of near Norwich, 350

Hymenoptera, capture of at Hawley, 61 ; fossorial, economy of, 265

Hydroidæ, on the vitality of the sheath of, 205

Jackdaw, 185 ; food of, 367

Jay, food of, 370

Icterus, red-winged, on the occurrence of near Norwich, 317

Idiot boy catching and devouring bees, anecdote of, 127

Intelligence of animals illustrated by two pointer dogs, 35

Insects captured by flowers, 127 ; rare British, occurrence of, 125 ; cure of grease in, 175 ; note on the occur- rence of rare, at Teignmouth, 199, 335 ; on the sudden appearance and disappearance of, 336

Kestril, 223

Lantern, use of, in capturing moths by night, 178

Lark, enquiry — does the female sing? 219 food of, 303

Lebia Crux-minor, capture of, 30

Leech, horse, minute anatomy of, 17, 88, 324

Lepidoptera, descriptions of, 109, 197; captures of at Manchester, 112; near Lavenham, 172; near Cam- bridge, 257; dates of appearance near Teignmouth, 334

Linnet, food of, 300

Lithosia muscerda in Norfolk, 260

Lizard, sand, 104

Locust, occurrence of near Derby, 123

Lophopteryx Carmelita, capture of at Ep- ping, 201

Luminous appearance of the sea, 55

Magpies, jays and crows, note on, 350, 351 ; food of, 370

Mammoth, Siberian, 1

Mancipium Daplidice, 201

Marten, pine, capture of in Lincolnshire, 345

Martins, early arrival of, 145; sand, 146; house, note on, 242; nests of, in sandstone rocks, 246 ; migration of, 354

Medic egger, note on, 94

Mice, black. 348

Microscopical Society of London, 256

Migration, notes on, 103, 355

Miscus campestris, 264

Mole, anecdote of, 7

Mollusks found in Whiting bay, 86 ; car- nivorous propensity of, 257

Molytes anglicanus, note on, 271

Monstrosity in the antennas of a beetle, 29

Moose in Canada, 134, 135

Moths, capture of on grass, 64 ; capture of on blossoms of ivy, 157, 333; em- peror captured by means of a cap- tive female, 190 ; by sugaring trees &c. 201 ; names of British, 332; on sallows near Norwich, 333 ; ap- pearance of during rain , 334

Mouse, note on a white shrew, 287 ; mor- tality of the common shrew, 288;