Atkinson, Rev. J.C, B.A.
Submergence of the moorhen, 1326 ; Ventriloquism in birds, 1371 ; Fur- ther remarks on the submergence of water-birds, 1395
Additions to Mr. Hogg's Catalogue of Durham birds, 1261
Barclay, J. Gurney
Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli at Layton, 1512
Baker, W.
Cattle mouthing bones, 1366
Banister, Rev. J. D., M.A.
Remarks on the piscatory habits of the polecat, 1244
Barlow, T.W.
Cattle mouthing bones, 1206; Note on the pheasant, 1 500 ; Occurrence of the gray goose and Cornish chough near Holmes Chapel, 1501 ; Note on some of the birds mention- ed in Shakspere's plays, 1539; Remarks on the migratory birds in the vicinity of Holmes Chapel, 1547
Bartlett, J. Pemberton
Carnivorous propensity of the hedge- hog, 1204 ; Is the black rat strictly a native of Great Britain, or was it like the brown rat, introduced into Europe from Asia ? 1294 ; Extra- ordinary migration of butterflies, 1442
Bates, H. Walter
Distribution of the species of Har- palus and Ophonus, 1206
Bell, Robert John
Occurrence of the white-winged cross- bill at Derby, 1247; Of Steller's western duck at Filby, 1249 ; Me- morandum of the spawning of trout, 1264
Benington Arthur
Death's-head hawk-moth at sea, 1443; Early arrival of the chiflf-chaflf at Swansea, 1496
Birch, W.
Occurrence of the hooded crow near Stourbridge, 1550
Bladon James
Remarkable instance of tenacity of life, 1357; On the duration of Hy- men optera in the larva state more than one season, 1458 ; Occurrence of the tern at Pont-y-pool, 1555 ; Large sturgeon in the Usk, 1555
Bold, Thomas John
Occurrence of Richard's pipit near Newcastle, 1210 ; Carnivorous pro- pensity of the common black slug, 1216; Capture of Coleoptera in the North of England, 1237; Food of slugs, 1503 ; Capture of the larva of Acherontia Atropos near Mor- peth, 1508; Occurrence of the lo- cust in the North of England, 1520
Bond, Frederick
Flowers attractive to moths, 1341 ; Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli near Kingsbury, 1510; Occun-ence of the locust near Kingsbuiy, 1518 ; at Duxford and Fulborne, 1521
Borrer, William Jun., F.L.S.
Notice of the occurrence of the Vir- ginian colin in Surrey, and of the broad-billed sandpiper, and red- necked phalarope in Sussex, 1 394
Bramley, J.
Occurrence of D. Livornica in Lon- don, 1514
Beee, C. R., F.L.S.
The nightingale in Monmouthshire, 1211; Carnivorous propensity of the dragon-fly, 1240; Occurrence of the grosbeak at Stowmarket, 1247;