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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 4 (1846).djvu/22

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Dates of arrival of summer visi- tants at Stow market, 1548

Briggs, John Joseph

On the varieties of the common fox, 1203 ; Partial migration, 1470 ; Birds at sea, 1502

Bromfield, William Arnold, M.D., F.L.S.

Appearance of Colias Edusa in the Isle of Wight, 1441; Capture of Lepidoptera in the Isle of Wight, 1444

Brown, Edwin

Gordius aquaticus supposed to fall from the atmosphere with rain, 1220 ; Proposed mode of recording the appearance of Lepidoptera, 1224 ; Exhibition of strength in the larva of one of the Staphy- linites, 1238

Brown, T.

Occurrence of the larvse of Acherontia Atropos near Cambridge, 1508 ; Occurrence of S. Convolvuli at Cambridge, 1509

Bull, Henry

Hops and Hop-flies, 1521

Burton, George Jun.

Occurrence of Acherontia Atropos near Hessle-upon-Humber, 1508 ; Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli near Hessle-upon-Humber, 1511

Catchpool, Thomas Jun.

Singular habit of the swift, 1499

Chennell, F.A.

Occurrence of the oyster-catcher in- land, and incubation of the ring- plover, 1212 ; Eggs of the flesh-fly deposited in a living toad, 1215

Clear, William

Treatment of insects when captured, 1437; Occurrence of Deilephila Livornica near Cork, 1444

Clibborn, Barclay

Ornithological Note, 1368

Clibborn, James

Curious nesting-place of a pair of robins, 1368

Cook, Nicholas

Kestrel preying upon a rat, 1550

Cook, Robert

Occurrence of Vanessa Antiopa near York, 1504 ; Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli near York, 1510; Oc- currence of the locust near York, 1519

Cooper, James

Occurrence of the American bittern near Fleetwood, 1248 ; Occurrence of the white-winged crossbill near Carlisle, 1551 ; Occurrence of the gray phalarope near Preston, 1552 ; On the noise made by the snipe, 1553

Couch, Jonathan, F.L.S.

Some account of Gonoplax Rhomboi- des, 1217; Capture of the gray shark in Cornwall, 1337

Couch, R.Q., M.R.C.S.

Notes on the fishes of the Land's End, 1400

Daniel, Henry

The oil-gland, 1250; The Oil-gland again, 1393; Effect of captivity on the appetite of birds, 1502

Davis, Robert Jun.

Carnivorous propensity of the hedge- hog, 1293 ; Occurrence of Sabine's snipe near Clonmel, 1500 ; Occur- rence of the larvse of Acherontia Atropos at Clonmel, 1508 ; Occur- rence of S. Convolvuli at Clonmel and Dunmore, 1509

Dawson, Rev. John F., M.A.

Capture of rare moths near Lyndhurst, in the New Forest, 1230 ; Occur- rence of Haltica consobrina in the Isle of Wight, 1239; Treatment of Coleoptera when captured, 1240 ; Habits of Melitsea cinxia, 1271 ; Comparative dates of the occur- rence of some species of Coleoptera near Ventnor, 1359 ; Occurrence of Vanessa Antiopa in the Isle of Wight and near Leatherhead, 1506

Dawson, John

Swallows never seen at the Carron Iron Works in winter, 1297

Deby, Julian

Notes on the birds of Belgium, 1251 ; On some whales stranded on the Belgian coast, 1462—1528

Doubleday, Henry

Occurrence of V. Antiopa near Ep- ping, 1504 ; Observations on Ache- rontia Atropos, 1507 : Occurrence of S. Convolvuli near Epping, 1509; Capture of Lithosia pulchella near Epping 1515 ; Occurrence of Gra- phiphora subrosea at Whittlesea Mere, 1515 ; Occurrence of the lo- cust near Epping, 1519

Douglas, J.W.

Capture of Lepidoptera, 1223 ; De- scriptions of ten new British moths, 1266 ; On killing and relaxing in- sects, 1343 ; Occurrence of V. An- tiopa at Mickleham, 1536