Harding, H.J.
Capture of Peroneæ at Hainault Fo- rest, 1228, 1516 ; Observation on the occurrence of Acherontia Atro- pos, 1507 ; Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli at Hackney, 1512; Capture of Trochilium Allantiforme at Greenhithe, 1515 ; Capture of Catocala sponsa at Darenth Wood, 1515 ; Occurrence of the locust near London, 1520
Hardy, James
Occurrence of Trypodendron domesti- cum in the vicinity of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1357 ; Rat fishing for eels, 1364
Harrison, Rev. H.R., M.A.
Increase and decrease in the weight of a hive of bees, 1355 Harvey, J. R., M.D.
Occurrence of the white stork near Fermoy, and note on the herring- gull breeding in confinement, 1394
Hawley, John R.
Larva of Acronycta Alni, 1228 ; List of Orthosiae occurring near Don- caster, 1353
Hepburn, Archibald
Note on the partial migration of cer- tain birds in East Lothian, and a few remarks on the subject in gene- ral, 1332
Hindley, William
Occurrence of V. Antiopa at Lime- house, 1506 ; Occurrence of Pe- roneae in Hainault Forest, 1516
Horne, C.
Curious mode of fishing in India, 1340 ; Exploding property of Paus- sidae, 1357; Singular use for a Buprestis at Madras, 1357
Horne, George
Curious capture of a goshawk, 1496
Horsley, C. H.
Miscellaneous facts in the Natural History of New South Wales, 1422
Horsley, Rev. F.W., M.A.
Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli near Faversham, 1513; Occurrence of D. Galii near Faversham, 1514
Hough, John
Revival of a frozen frog, 1215
Hughes, G.J.R.
Habits of the raven, 1366 ; The pecu- liarity in the mode of a robin cap- turing its prey, 1393 ; On destroy- ing bees, 1459
Hunter, C.B.
Nesting of Montagu's harrier in Nor- folk, 1496; of the lesser redpoll in Norfolk, 1497 ; Occurrence of the white-winged crossbill near Thet- ford, 1498 ; Occurrence of the little auk near Downham in Nor- folk, 1502
Hussey, Rev. Arthur, M.A.
On the treatment of insects when cap- tured, 1344
Hutchinson, Matthew
Note on the arrival of some of the summer birds of passage at Shoot- ers Hill, Kent, in the spring of 1845, 1295
Kelaart, E.F., M.D., F.L.S.
Note on the Gibraltar or Barbary ape, 1293
King, John
A lady bit by an adder, 1263
King, Robert L.
Singing of swans, 1214 ; Pisidium pusillum attracted by the skull of a fox, 1266 ; Mollusca found in Cornwall, 1420 ; Cornish reptiles, 1503
Lambert, Alfred
Remarkable habits of an Australian spider, 1219; Australian caterpil- lar and parasite, 1226
Lamek, A.
List of Papilionidæ occurring at Wansbeck near Hamburgh, 1432 ; On the length of time taken by Sphinx Ligustri in the change from the larva to the pupa state, 1346 ; Admirable sagacity of a fox in preying upon game, 1365; Occur- rence of Sphinx Nerii near Ham- burgh, 1514
Lawson, George
Domestication of wood-pigeon, 1248 ; Cattle mouthing bones, 1295 ; Anecdote of a sparrow, 1298
Levett, Frances M.
Male glowworm luminous, 1459
Lewis, George
Habits of the goldfinch and canary, 1367
Lewis, Rev. W.S., M.A.
Anecdote of a crab, 1265
Lingwood, Robert M.
Brambling near Ross, and anecdote of a robin, 1211
Logan, R.F.
Anecdote of a robin, 1211 ; Flowers attractive to moths, 1225 ; Larvae of Odontopera bidentata, 1228 ; Gra- phiphora renigera, 1273 ; Larva of Graphiphora cataleuca, 1347