Edleston, Robert S.
Capture of Lepidoptera near Man- chester, 1220 ; Remarks on the oc- currence of Lasiocampa Trifolii near Manchester, 1226 ; Capture of Dei- lephila Celerio at Manchester, 1346 ; Habitat of Gortyna peta- sitides, 1347 ; Capture of Catocala Fraxini at Manchester, 1515
Engleheart, N.B.
Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli at Blackheath, 1511
Evans, A.L.
Description of the larva of Orthosia opima, 1227
Evans, John
A quail shot in Worcestershire in January, 1299
Evans, W.F.
Occurrence of V. Antiopa near Lin- coln, 1505, and in the Isle of Wight, 1506; Occurrence of the locust in Glamorganshire, 1521
Fitt, George
Occurrence of S. Convolvuli near Yarmouth, 1512 ; Occurrence of the locust near Yarmouth, 1520
Fisher, W.R., F.L.S.
Note on the sound produced by the common snipe, 1501
Foster, Erasmus R.
Is the tumbling of pigeons a natural or acquired habit ? 1500
Fox, Edwin
Occurrence of Vanessa Antiopa at Tottenham and Streatham, 1506
Fox, George
Blackbirds hatched by a canary, 1210
Frere, Rev. H.T., M.A.
On the varieties of the common dog, 1201 ; Polecat preying upon eels, 1204 ; Occurrence of Anthus arbo- reus in February, 1210 ; Anecdote of herons lighting, 1212 ; Singular mode of catching eels, 1216; Re- marks on the trachaea of wild geese, 1249 ; Norfolk swan fatting, 1250 ; Further remarks on the habits of the eel, 1264 ; Occurrence of the tadpole fish off Sherringham, 1264; On the rusty tinge of the plumage of wild swans, 1300 ; Occurrence of S. Convolvuli at Aylsham, 1511
Garth, James C.
Occurrence of the crossbill near Knaresborough, 1367 ; Occurrence of the great black woodpecker near Knaresborough, 1298; Occurrence of the locust near Knaresborough, 1518
Gaze, William
Occurrence of S. Convolvuli at Sud- bury, 1510
Gibson, G. Stacey
Occurrence of V. Antiopa at Saffron Walden, 1507
Goatley, T.
Death's-head hawk-moth at Burton- on-the-Heath, 1443 ; at Chipping Norton, 1508 ; Occurrence of S. Convolvuli at Chipping Norton, 1512
Goodacre, F. B.
Description of the American variety of the common wolf, 1526
Gordon, Rev. G., M.A.
Occurrence of the locust in Scotland, 1521
Gosse, P.H.
Notice of a species of Delphinorhyn- chus, 1527
Greenwood, Alfred
Cattle mouthing bones, 1206; Occurrence of Acherontia Atropos at Chelmsford, 1507; Occurrence of Sphinx Convolvuli at Hythe and Chelmsford, 1513 ; Occurrence of Deilephila Celerio near Great Bad- dow, 1514 ; Occurrence of the lo- cust near Chelmsford, 1520
Gurney, J.H.
Occurrence of the red-necked phala- rope in Norfolk, 1552 ; Occurrence of the Spanish sea-bream at Sher- ringham, 1555
Gurney, J.H. and Fisher, W.R.
An account of birds found in Nor- folk, 1300, 1373
Guyon, George
The father-lasher's capability of living in fresh water, 1215 ; Occurrence of Aepus fulvescens near Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 1357; Deviation from the usual formula of strias in Abax, 1357 ; Discrepancy between the two antennae of a Dytiscus, 1518 ; Feeling of insects, 1526
Hall, Thomas
Occurrence of the great horned owl at Hampstead, 1496 ; Longevity of the oyster-catcher, 1501 ; Stormy petrel in London in 1824, 1502 ; Occurrence of S. Convolvuli in the City Road, London, 1510; Occur- rence of the locust near London, 1519
Haliday, A.H.
To expel mites from cabinets of in- sects and to exclude them, 1524
Hambrough, W.
Pterophorus tridactylus captured on the 25th of February, 1348