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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 4 (1846).djvu/91

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Common Curlew, Numenius arquata. Common. This bird has been shot in all parts of the country, from the wild and rocky Ardennes and valleys of the Meuse and Lesse to the low plains of Flanders and Brabant, and from the wooded marshes of Limbourg to the vast sandy heaths of the Antwerp Campine.

Spotted Redshank, Totanus fuscus. This species and the next are not uncommon in spring and autumn.

Common Redshank, Totanus calidris. Not commoner than the last.

Avocet, Recurvirostra Avocetta. Scarce on the sea-shore and in rivers. I have never seen living specimens of this bird.

Bean Goose, Anser segetum. "Regular passenger towards the end of winter. They rest at night in newly-sown fields, and are very shy. There are also a few flocks of vagabond bean-geese which ap- pear with heavy snow, and which sojourn in our plains until the thaws begin. Common in winter at the mouth of the Scheld and on our shores." (De Selys). Very seldom, however, seen in the neighbour- hood of Brussels.

Pochard, Fuligula ferina. Common on extensive marshes and lakes and at sea. Rather scarce for inland. Some are brought to our markets. Come in large flocks, which fly without forming the V- shaped figure of many wild water-birds.

Ferruginous Duck, Fuligula Nyroca. Uncommon.

Golden Eye, Fuligula Clangula. Common. Some birds pass the winter with us, but the majority are migratory.

Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator, and Goosander, Mergus merganser. Both occasionally met with in spring and autumn.

Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps rubricollis. Not uncommon on rivers and marshes in different parts of Belgium ; sometimes also on the sea-shore. Never remains with us in summer.

Group e.

I have created this group distinct from the one containing the birds of accidental occurrence, because the present ones are seen regularly every year, though at irregular periods during the winter months.

Bernacle Goose, Anser leucopsis. On the sea-shore, and moye seldom on the Scheldt and in the interior. I have in my collection a specimen killed near Brussels.

Grey-legged Goose, Anser Ferus. Very uncommon in some parts

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