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Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 4 (1846).djvu/92

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of Belgium, less so in others. I know nothing of its habits in a wild state.

Hooper, Cygnus ferus. Not uncommon on the sea-shore. Some- times seen far inland. This fine bird is always seen in flocks.

Great Northern Diver, Colymhus glacialis. Scarce in winter.

Red-throated Diver, Colymbus septentrionalis. Our commonest species of diver on the sea-shore and in our marshes. It is common in the Antwerp market in winter. T have not had the opportunity of observing its habits.

Division VII.

a. Grallatores.

Squacco Heron, Ardea comata. Three or four specimens have been shot in Belgium.

Black Stork, Ciconia nigra. Very rare.

Glossy Ibis, Ibis falcinellus. Extremely scarce.

Wood Sandpiper, Totanus Glareola. In marshy woods.

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus melanopterus.

Little Crake and Baillon's Crake, Crex pusilla and Crex Baillonii. Both very uncommon.

Grey Phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus. On the sea-shore and in marshes.

b. Natatores.

Egyptian Goose, Anser Egyptiacus. Two specimens have been shot.

Bewick's Swan and Mute Swan, Cygnus Bewickii and Cygnus Olor. Both seem to be birds of passage, the first is oftener met with in a wild state than the second.

Eider Duck, Somateria mollissima. Very seldom seen.

Barrow's Duck, Fuligula Barrovii. During cold winters.

Black-throated Diver, Colymbus arcticus.

Little Auk, Mergulus alle. Accidental passenger.

Gannet, Sula alba. Commoner than any other bird of the present division.

Little Gull, Larus minutus. A migratory species accidentally seen.

Common Skua, Pomarine Skua, and Richardson's Skua, Lestris