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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/15

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Stebbing, Rev. T.R.R., M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S.

From Buffon to Darwin, 312

Strickland, T.A. Gerald, F.E.S.

Frog attacked by a Rat, 169

Sutton, James

Asterias tessellata, or Scutellated Star-fish, 170; The Common Cockroach, 370

Teesdale, John H.

Montagu's Harrier breeding in Ireland, 467

Ticehurst, A.F.[1]

Breeding of the Common Snipe in Romney Marsh, 271; Rare Warblers in Sussex, 333

Tuck, Rev. Julian G., M.A.

White Wagtail nesting in Suffolk, 233; Strange occurrence of an Albatross in Cambridgeshire, 363; Cuckoo's egg in nest of Song Thrush, 364; Garden lists of birds, 474; Fork-tailed Petrel in E. Suffolk, 509; Green Woodpecker boring in November, 573

Walker, J.J., R.N., F.L.S.

A flying visit to Dirk Hartog and the Houtman's Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, 293

Warren, Robert

Fulmar and Surf Socter in Cos. Sligo and Mayo, 84; Unusually large numbers of Pintails in Co. Mayo, 143; On the breeding range of the Yellow Wagtail in Ireland, 346

Watt, Hugh Boyd

Local name of the Sheldrake, 571

Whitaker, F.[2]

Little Owl near Newark-on-Trent, 329; Variety of Grasshopper Warbler, 333; Red-backed Shrike near Rainworth, 334

Whitlock, F.B.

The breeding habits of the Purple Heron, 407

Williams, E.

Hybrids in St. Stephen's Green Park, Dublin, 329

Wilson, William

An unfortunate Cuckoo, 272; Young Cuckoo in nest of Twite, 365; Appearance of migrants in Aberdeenshire during 1896 and 1897, 366

Witchell, Charles A.

The voices of the Blackbird and the Nightingale compared, 331; Variations of habit in the Blue Titmouse, 333; The song of the Greenfinch, 335; The autumn song of birds, 358, 471; The Dictionary of British Bird-song, 578

Wollaston, A.

A walk across Lapland, 498

Wood, Surg.-Capt. Henry S.

Description of, and Natural History notes on, the Burmese Wild Bull, 489

Young, John

The Wood-Pigeons in the London Parks, 87; Rooks in the West End of London, 87

New Species of British Animals described in this Volume.


Enchytræus parvulus, Friend (Staffordshire) Page 349

Allolobophora constricta, Rosa, var. geminata, Friend (Antrim) 459

  1. We suppose this is N.F. Ticehurst (Wikisource-ed.).
  2. We suppose this is J. Whitaker (Wikisource-ed.).