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Abramis blicca, 561; brama, 561

Acanthias vulgaris, 565

Acerina vulgaris, 544

Acipenser sturio, 564

Actitis macularia, 448

Address, Editorial, 1

African Lake Fauna, 148, 187

Agonus cataphractus, 546

Agyrtria niveipectus, 446

Akodon urichi, 844

Alaska, Natural History notes from, 243

Albatross in Cambridgeshire, 363

Albino Badger in Hants, 327; Sparrow, 578; Turbot, 339

Allolobophora arborea, 458; boeckii, 458; chlorotica, 458; constricta, 459,—var. geminata, 459; eiseni, 458; fœtida, 458; georgii, 458; hibernica, 458; mammalis, 458; profuga, 457; rosea, 458; subrubicunda, 458; terrestris, 457; trapezoides, 457; turgida, 457

Allurus, macrurus, 459; tetraedrus, 459,—var. flavus, 459; tetragonurus, 459

Alopecias vulpes, 475, 565, 579

Amazilia tobaci, 446

Ametrida minor, habitat, 326

Ammodytes lanceolatus, 555; tobianus, 555

Amphibolurus barbatus, 299

Anarhichas, lupus, 551

Angel-fish at Lowestoft, 475

Anguilla latirostris, 563; vulgaris, 562

Animal life, deep-sea, in past epochs, 184; pests in British Columbia, 527,—in United States, 530

Animals, circular movement in, 146; acclimatization, at Rushmore, 242; and plants, winter life, in United States, 242; influence of darkness on, 488

Ant-eater breeding in captivity, 95

Aramides cajanea, 447

Arctatlantis, the North Atlantic Sea-region, 222

Arctic expedition, Natural History plans, 291

Arctirenia, the North Pacific Sea-region, 224

Ardea cinerea, 408; purpurea, 407

Asterias tessellata, alleged occurrence in Durham, 170, 340

Atherina presbyter, 552

Atlas Mountains fauna to be investigated, 187

Auk, Great, sales of eggs, 241, 382; remains found in Co. Waterford, 383; existing remains, 533; Little, at Scarborough, 166

Australia, North, Mammalia of, 189; Western, flying visit to Dirk Hartog and the Houtman's Abrolhos Islands, 293

Australian fossils in precious opal, 488

Auxis rochei, 547

Avicultural Magazine, 385; notes, 338

Aviculture, 535

Avifauna, British, recent additions, 5

Baboon, Chacma, 29; and Maanhaar Jackal, 155; female, menstruation, 32

Badger, albino, in Hants, 327

Barbel in Great Ouse, 534

Bat, Daubenton's, on Derbyshire and Staffordshire border, 326,—in Bedfordshire, 326; Lesser Horse-shoe, position during hibernation, 537; Long-eared, food, 231; Serotine, near Hastings, 141

Batrachians and Reptiles of Celebes, 184

Bats, Fruit, of Philippine Islands, 44; of Ireland, list and range, 184

Bear, Black, breeding in captivity, 185

Bedfordshire Vertebrate Fauna, 486

Behring Sea Seal Fisheries, 96

Bellona ornata, 446

Belone vulgaris, 559

Bettongia lesueurii, 210

Biological stations, fresh-water, 187

Bird-names, Manx, 71, 144

Birds, rare, at Hastings, 86; extinct, of Chatham Island, 145; amongst the, in Norfolk, 168; eating Magpie-moth, 169, 236; insectivorous, destroyed, in Eastern S. Africa, 243; inherited instinct in, 275, 367; autumn song, 358, 410, 471;