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of Galapagos Islands, 290; observed in Shetland, 360; colour-variation in, 383; garden lists of, 417, 474; unusual sites for nests of, 430; seen in Yukon District of Canada, 430; West Indian, 444; hours at which some commence to sing, 472, 576; migration of, 245, 505; egg-producing powers of, 511, 574, 575; directive coloration in, 531; British, Manual of, 532,—Dictionary of Call-notes, 535, 578

Birds' tongues in pictures, 533

Birdsnesting in August, 430

Bittern, Common, in Darenth Wood, near Dartford, 86

Blackbird stealing eggs, 330; and Nightingale, voices compared, 331

Bones, human, at Bromehill, 164

Books Noticed:—

Red Deer, by the Rev. H. A. Macpherson, Cameron, of Lochiel, Viscount Ebrington, and A.T. Shand, 37
Oceanic Ichthyology, a Treatise on the Deep Sea and Pelagic Fishes of the World, by G.B. Goode and Tarleton H. Bean, 40
Coloured Figures of the Eggs of British Birds, with Descriptive Notices, by H. Seebohm, edited by Dr. K. Bowdler Sharpe, 41
By the Deep Sea, a popular Introduction to the Wild Life of the British Shores, by E. Step, 42
The Collector's Manual of British Land and Freshwater Shells, by L. E. Adams, 43
A Handbook to the Game-birds, by W.R. Ogilvie Grant, 90
Sixteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey. The Dinosaurs of North America, by Prof. O. C. Marsh, 92
The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma,—Moths, by Sir G.F. Hampson, Bart., 93
Zoologisches Adressbuch, published by R. Friedlander & Sohn, 94
Ethnology, by A.H. Keane, 171
The Present Evolution of Man, by G. Archdall Reid, 173
Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., 175
A Sketch of the Natural History of Australia, by Frederick G. Aflalo, 176
The Fishes of North and Middle America,—a Catalogue of the Species of Fish-like Vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama, by D.S. Jordan and B.W. Evermann, 178
The Migration of Birds,—a Consideration of Herr Gätke's Views, by F.B. Whitlock, 179
Report of Observations on Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the year 1896, by Eleanor A. Ormerod, 180
Das Tierreich, Aves (Podargidæ, Caprimulgidæ, und Macropterygidæ), by Ernst Hartert, 181
Man and Woman,—a Study of Human Secondary Characters, by Havelock Ellis, 237
Society for the Protection of Birds,—Educational Series, edited by H.E. Dresser, 238
A Handbook to the Order Lepidoptera, by W.F. Kirby, 239
Problems of Nature,—Researches and Discoveries of Gustav Jaeger, edited and translated by Henry G. Schlichter, 278
Pheasants,—their Natural History and Practical Management, by W.B. Tegetmeier, 279
Papers presented to the World's Congress on Ornithology, edited by Mrs. E. Irene Rood, under the direction of Dr. Elliot Coues, 280
Wild Bird Protection and Nesting Boxes, by John R.B. Masefield, 281
Birds of our Islands, by F.A. Fulcher, 283
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma,—Hymenoptera, vol. i. by Lieut. Col. C.T. Bingham, 283
Investigations into applied Nature, by W. Wilson, Jun., 284
The Migration of Birds,—an attempt to reduce Avine Season-flight to Law, by Charles Dixon, 371
Cambridge Natural History, vol. ii.—Worms, Rotifers, and Polyzoa, 373
L'Année Biologique, Première Année, 1895, 376
Traité de Zoologie, publié sous la direction de Raphael Blanchard: Fas. xi. Némertiens, par Louis Joubin; Fas.xvi., Mollusques, par Paul Pelseneer, 377