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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/19

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Chlorestes cærulea, 445

Chlorophanes spiza, 447

Chlorostilbon carribæus, 445

Chrysolampis mosquitus, 444

Chrysophrys aurata, 544

Cicadidæ and Orthoptera, stridulation, 432, 516, 517, 519, 520

Clupea alosa, 562; finta, 562; harengus, 561; pilchardus, 562; sprattus, 562

Coassus nemorivagus, 345

Coccidæ, food-plants of, 486

Coccystes glandarius, supposed occurrence in Ireland, 574

Cockroach, Common, changes of colour, 370

Cœlogenys paca, 343

Cœreba cærulea, 447; cyanea, 447

Coloration, directive, in birds, 531

Conger vulgaris, 563

Conilurus boweri, 197; hirsutus, 195; penicillatus, 196

Cormorants in Lower California, 243; destruction, in Australia, 384

Corncrakes breeding in confinement, 35

Cornwall and Devon, neolithic life, 49

Coronella lævis in New Forest, 431, 475

Corsica, ornithological notes from, 254

Cottus bubalis, 545; gobio, 545; scorpius, 545,—var. grœnlandicus, 545

County Records:—

Bedfordshire—Daubenton's Bat, 326; Black Rat, 328
Berkshire—Frog attacked by a Rat, 169
Cambridgeshire—Albatross, 363; birdsnesting in August, 430
Cheshire—Landrail, 86; Lesser Shrew, 231; Noddy Tern, 510
Cornwall—Neolithic life, 49
Cumberland—Eared Grebe, 83
Derbyshire—Daubenton's Bat, 326; Night Heron, 329; Blackthroated Diver, 426
Devonshire—Neolithic life, 49; Shore Lark, 365, 471, 574; Lesser Shrew, 467; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 470; Pigmy Shrew, 507
Dorsetshire—Icterine Warbler, 332; Osprey, 508
Durham—Asterias tessellata, or Scutellated Star-fish, alleged occurrence, 170, 340; Common Cockroach, 370
Essex—Long-eared Owl, 232; Tunny, 579
Gloucestershire—Summer migrants, 274; unusual position for eggs of Starling, Song Thrush and Sparrow, 334
Hampshire—Winter notes, 34; Worm-eating Slugs, 89; Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 142; Red-legged Partridge, 233; Badger, 327; Hedgesparrow, 427; Crossbills, 428; Smooth Snake, 431, 475; notes, 460; Aquatic Warbler, 471; Pied Wagtail, 513; Grey Wagtail, 513; Common Redshank, 575
Hertfordshire—Kingfisher, 469
Kent—Common Bittern, 86; Common Snipe, 271; Blue Titmouse, 333; Starling, 334; American Nonpareil Finch, 335; Montagu's Harrier, 363; Lesser Grey Shrike, 427; Wryneck, 511; Green Sandpiper, 573
Lancashire—Scaup Duck, 329
Leicestershire—Grey Wagtail, 336
Lincolnshire—Greenish Willow Warbler, 5; Common Rorqual, 142; Grey Wagtail, 274, 336; Great Plover, 511.
Middlesex—Wood Pigeons, 87; Rooks in West End of London, 87; Magpie Moth eaten by birds, 169; House Sparrow, 273; avicultural notes, 338; Curlew, 364; Wild Geese, 487
Norfolk—Pallas's Warbler, 5, 8; skulls of early Man, 33; breeding Corncrakes in confinement, 35; ornithological record for 1896, 121; human bones, 164; among the birds, 168; Knot, 232; Cuckoo Ray, 235; Stone Curlew, 248; Sapphirine Gurnard, 275, 339; Nightingale, 332; Lesser Weaver, 339; Turbot, 339; Angler Fish, 340; Common Mackerel, 340; Pilchards, 340; Edible Crab, 340; twenty years in the Fens, 351; "Kentish Crow," 356, 428; Fen versus Marsh, 437; nesting sites, 449; Common Swift, 468; Ringed Plover, 502; Barbel in Great Ouse, 534; Marine and Fresh-water Fishes of Great Yarmouth, &c, 539; Cuckoo, 568; Great Bustard, 289, 572; Mediterranean Herring Gull, 572
Nottinghamshire—Little Owl, 329; Grasshopper Warbler, 333; Redbacked Shrike, 334
Oxfordshire—Spotted Flycatcher's nest in nest of Hawfinch, 426, 473; proximity of Magpie's and Wood Pigeon's nests, 427; Sparrowhawk, 508; Cuckoo, 426, 513