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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/20

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Shropshire—Tit's nest, 167; Longeared Bats, 231; Wasp, Tipula, and Spider, 475
Somersetshire—Garden lists of birds, 418, 431; Hedgesparrow, 427; Black-winged Stilt, 511
Staffordshire—Honey Buzzard, 232, 271, 328; Daubenton's Bat, 326
Suffolk—White Wagtail, 233; Snails, 236; Swallow-tailed Kite, 270, 363; Cuckoo's egg in nest of Song Thrush, 364; Honey Buzzard, 425; garden lists of birds, 474; Thresher Shark, 475; Angel-fish, 475; Ringed Plover, 502; Fork-tailed Petrel, 509; Green Woodpecker, 573
Sussex—Rare birds, 86; Serotine Bat, 141; Black-headed Bunting, 273; Rare Warblers, 333; Hawfinches, 365; Quails, 366; Little Gull, 468; Red-necked Phalarope, 468; Common Roller, 469; Hypolais polyglotta, 513; Common Seal, 571
Warwickshire—Black Tern, 330; White Wagtail, 337
Yorkshire—Little Auks and Little Gulls, 166; Red-legged Partridge, 166; polydactylism in the Horse, 270; Blackbird, 330; trapping Shrews and Voles, 571; Dipper, 575; Notes, 578

Crab, Edible, meristic variation in, figured, 340

Crocodiles, "mystic singing," 288, 289

Crossbills near Bournemouth, 428

Crow, Kentish, 356, 428

Cuckoo, South African Golden, egg in nest of Cape Wagtail, 142; Yellowbilled, in Isle of Wight, 142; an unfortunate, 272; egg in nest of Song Thrush, 364; young, in nest of Twite, 365; popular fallacy concerning, 512; does it suck eggs? 513, 568; Great Spotted, supposed occurrence in Co. Kerry, 574

Curlew laying five eggs, 364; Stone, as observed around Thetford, 248

Cyclopterus lumpus, 550

Cyprinus auratus, 559; carpio, 559; carassius, 559

Darwin, Buffon to, 312

Dasyprocta aguti, 342; cristata, 342

Dasyurus hallucatus, 206

Deep-sea animal life in past epochs, 184

Dermestes lardarius eating specimens of moths, 433, 521

Devon & Cornwall, neolithic life, 49

Didelphis marsupialis, 342

Dik-Dik in nature and as preserved, 434

Diomedea melanophrys, 364

Dipper, egg-producing powers, 575

Dirk Hartog and the Houtman's Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, 293

Diver, Black-throated, nesting in Shetland, 364, 425, 509,— in Derbyshire, 426; Great Northern, nesting in Shetland, 425, 509

Dog, Cape Hunting, breeding in captivity, 186

Dogs of draught in Belgium, 33

Dove, Stock, in Ireland, 88

Dreschel, Prof., 533

Duck, Pintail, large number in Co. Mayo, 143; Scaup, inland in Lancashire, 329

Eagle resting on a balloon, 384; Golden, in Ross-shire, 425

Earthworm studies: dorsal pores, 149; oviposition and embryology, 258; phosphorescence and luminosity, 304; check-list of British Earthworms, 453

Egernia (Silubosaurus) stokesii, 301

Egg of South African Golden Cuckoo in nest of Cape Wagtail, 142; of Cuckoo in nest of Song Thrush 364; -producing powers of birds 511, 574, 575

Eggs of Great Auk, sales, 241, 382; of Starling, Song Thrush, and Sparrow, unusual position for, 334; five, laid by Curlew, 364; white, of Hedgesparrow, 427; of Roseate Tern, 165, 467, 510

Echidna aculeata, 199

Echimys trinitatis, 345

Editorial Address, 1

Eel, Common, transformations, 287

Elanus cæruleus, 158

Elephants in South Africa, destruction of, 532

Emberiza cioides, 6

Emu, protection, in Australia, 385

Enchytræus parvulus, a new British Worm, 349