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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/22

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Hippopotamus, decrease, in the Upper Shire, 380; preservation, in Natal, 381

Holibut, large, at Isle of Man, 235

Horns from South Africa, 487

Horse, critical period in development, 486; polydactylism in, 270

Hours at which some birds commence to sing, 472, 576

Hybridity, supposed, between Common Brown and Irish Hares, 96; Red and Black Grouse, 183; colour-variation, &c, in birds and mammals, 383

Hybrids in St. Stephen's Green Park, Dublin, 329

Hydromys chrysogaster fulvo-lavatus, 197

Hymenoptera, Aculeate, 533

Hypolais polyglotta in Sussex, 513

Icterus zanthornus, 447

Indies, West, Natural History notes from, 341

Indopelagia, the Indian Sea-region, 224

Influence of darkness on animals, 488

Insect pests and destruction of birds in Eastern S. Africa, 243; preservatives, non-poisonous, 433

Insects, protection of, 386

Instinct, inherited, in birds, 275, 367

Ireland.—Fulmar and Surf Scoter in Cos. Sligo and Mayo, 84; Stock Dove in Co. Louth, 88; Marten in Co. Waterford, 141; Pintails in Co. Mayo, 143; Green Sandpiper in Co. Waterford, 143; Pine Marten in Co. Waterford, 269, 327; hybrids, 329; Reed Bunting in Co. Waterford, 336; Yellow Wagtail, 346; Great Auk, 383; Montagu's Harrier in Co. Kerry, 467; strange pairing of butterflies, 521; Heron choked by Frog, 572; supposed occurrence of a Great Spotted Woodpecker in Co. Kerry, 574

Isle of Man, Holibut at, 235; anthropology of, 435; Porbeagle in Manx waters, 579; Museum for, 579

Jackal, Maanhaar, 155

Jefferies, Richard, the late, 46

Jersey, Bank Vole in, 141

Kangaroos, protection, in Australia, 385

Kingfisher, survival of, 354, 469

Kite, Swallow-tailed, in Suffolk, 270, 363

Knot, food, 232

Labrax lupus, 544

Labrus maculatus, 552

Læmargus borealis, 565

Lamna cornubica, 564, 579

Lampornis violicauda, 444

Lampris luna, 548

Landrail in Chester in December, 86

Lanius minor in Kent, 427

Lapland, a walk across, 498

Lark, Shore, 6; supposed summer appearance in Devonshire, 365, 471, 574

Larus cachinnans in Norfolk, 572

Latrunculus pellucidis, 550

Legends, zoological, 46

Lepus timidus, 96; variabilis, 96

Leuciscus buggenhagii, 561; cephalus, 560; erythrophthalmus, 560; phoxinus, 560; rutilus, 560; vulgaris, 560

Leuckart, Prof. Rudolf, honours for, 381

Liparis montagui, 551; vulgaris, 551

Lizard, Australian Rock, 233

Lobster, gigantic, 276

Local museums, federal staff for, 147

Locust ravages in South Africa, 45; proposed means of destruction in Rhodesia, 146

Loncheres guianæ, 344

Lophius piscatorius, 551

Lophoceros erythrorynchus, 159; leucomelas, 159

Lophornis ornatus, 445

Lota vulgaris, 554

Lumbricus castaneus, 455; festivus, 455; herculeus, 455; papillosus, 455; rubellus, 455; studeri, 455

Lynx, Desert, or Caracal, breeding in captivity, 185

Mackerel, Common, variety, 340

Macropus agilis, 214; antilopinus, 213; robustus, 212

Madoqua phillipsi in nature and as preserved, 434

Magpie-moth eaten by birds, 169

Magpie's and Wood Pigeon's nests, proximity of, 427

Mammalia, North Australian, 189; marine, distribution, 217

Mammals, colour-variation. &c, 383; from Somali-land, 434; of Trinidad, 424