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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/23

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Man in Zoology, 13; Early, skulls found in Norfolk, 33; Palæolithic, and the glacial epoch, 95; Prehistoric, remains on Rombald's Moor, 145

Manx bird-names, 71, 144

Marine and Fresh-water Fishes of Great Yarmouth, &c, 539

Marmosa murina, 342

Marsh versus fen, 437

Marten, Pine, in Ireland, 141, 269, 327

Maurolicus pennantii, 559

Merlucius vulgaris, 554

Mesatlantis, the Middle Sea-region, 223

Mesirenia, the Middle Pacific Sea-region, 225

Miall, Prof. L.C., on study of zoology, 434

Migration of Red-legged Partridge, 166, 233; at Spurn lighthouse, in 1896, 245; of birds, 505

Migrants, summer, in Gloucestershire, 274; in Aberdeenshire, 366

Mimus gilvus, 448

Mollusca from Tangier, 244; non-marine, of Essex, 535

Molva vulgaris, 554

Momotus swainsoni, 447, 448

Motella cimbria, 554; mustela, 554; tricirrata, 554

Mugil capito, 552; chelo, 552

Mullus surmuletus, 544

Mus decumanus,344; musculus, 344; rattus, 198, 344

Museum Reports:—

Oological collection in Australia, 47
Harvie Brown Museum destroyed by fire, 48
Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 80; locality-labels, 81
Federal staff for local museums, 147
Albany Museum, Grahamstown, 243
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 387
Museum of Chicago Academy of Sciences, 388
British Museum Report for 1896, 484
Washington National Museum, 485
Museum for Isle of Man, 579

Mustelus vulgaris, 564

Myiadectes sibilans, 448

Myrmecophaga jubata breeding in captivity, 95

'Naturalists' Directory,' 291

Naucrates ductor, 548

Nectomys palmipes, 344

Neolithic life in Devon and Cornwall, 49

Nerophis æquoreus, 563

Nest of Cape Wagtail with egg of South African Golden Cuckoo, 142; of Tit, strange discovery of, 167; of Reed Bunting in unusual position, 336; of Song Thrush with egg of Cuckoo, 364; of Spotted Flycatcher constructed in nest of Hawfinch, 426; of Magpie and of Wood Pigeon, proximity of, 427; of Thrush appropriated by House Sparrow, 427; unusual sites for, chosen by birds, 430

Nesting of White Wagtail in Suffolk, 233; habit, peculiar, of House Sparrow, 273; of Grey Wagtail in Lincolnshire, 274, 336; of Sparrows on a band-stand, 287; alleged, of Montagu's Harrier, in Kent, 363; of Wood Pigeon in heart of the city, 383; of Great Northern and Black-throated Divers in Shetland, 425, 509; sites, curious, near Thetford, 449; of Sparrowhawk in thorn-tree, 508; of Great Plover, 511; strange, of Nuthatch, 514,—Starling, 514

Nests and nesting sites, unusual, 430, 449

Nightingale near Scarborough, 332; and Blackbird, voices compared, 331

Nightjar, memory for locality in a, 330

Norfolk, ornithological record for 1896, 121; birds, amongst the, 168; fens, twenty years on, 351; fen versus marsh, 437

Norway, notes from, 22

Notopelagia, the Southern Polar Sea-region, 225

Nuthatch, strange nesting habits, 514

Nyctibius jamaicensis, 447

Nyctophilus timoriensis, 193


Bartlett, Abraham Dee, 267
Bendire, Major Charles E., 230
Cope, Edward Drinker, 229
Dreschel, Professor, 533
Gätke, Heinrich,