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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/25

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Salmo fario, 558; salar, 557; trutta, 558

Sandpiper, Green, in Co. Waterford, 143; flight, 573

Saunders' 'Manual of British Birds,' 532

Scarborough, notes from, 578

Sciæna aquila, 547

Sciurus æstuans, 343

Sclater, Dr. P.L., bibliography, 188

Scomber scomber, 547; scriptus, 547; thynnus, 547

Scomberesox saurus, 559

Scopus umbretta, 158

Scorpæna dactyloptera, 544

Scoter, Surf, in Co. Sligo and Mayo, 84

Scotland.—Yellow Wagtail in Argyllshire, 167; Cuckoo, 272, 365; Toad attacked by Weasel, 339; Wild Geese in Fifeshire, 363; migrants in Aberdeenshire, 366; Golden Eagle in Ross-shire, 425

Scotophilus greyii, 193

Scyllum canicula, 565; stellaris, 565

Sea-regions of the globe, 221

Seal, Behring Sea fisheries, 96; Common, in River Arun, Sussex, 571; Grey, in Carnarvonshire, 141; and Whale fishery, 1896, 56, 142

Selache maxima, 565

Serpentarius secretarius, 157

Shagreen made from skins of Rays and Dog-fish, 292

Shark, Porbeagle, in Manx waters, 579; Thresher, at Lowestoft, 475

Sharks, abundance in tropical seas, 36; combat at Cocos Islands, 387

Sheep, Wild, bred in captivity, 291

Sheldrake, local name, 508, 571

Shetland, list of birds observed, 360; Black-throated and Great Northern Divers breeding in, 364, 425, 509

Shrew, Lesser, in Cheshire, 231,—in Anglesea, 326,—in Devon, 467

Shrews and Voles, trapping, 507, 571

Shrike, Lesser Grey, in Kent, 427; Red-backed, near Rainworth, 334

Singing of birds, hours, 472, 576

Siphonostoma typhle, 563

Sirenians, distribution, 219

Slugs, distribution of worm-eating, 89

Sminthopsis nitela, 208

Snails, early, 236

Snake, Smooth, in New Forest, 431, 475

Snakes found within fifty miles of New York City, 44

Snipe, Common, breeding in Romney Marsh, 271

Solea lascaris, 557; vulgaris, 557

Solway Firth, Germon, or Long-finned Tunny, in, 580

Somali-land, mammals from, 434

Song of Greenfinch, 335; autumn, of birds, 358, 410, 471

Sparrow, unusual position for eggs of, 334; House, peculiar nesting habit, 273,—depredations of, 383; albino, 578

Sparrowhawk nesting in thorn-tree, 508

Sparrows nesting on band-stand, 287

Sparus niger, 548

Spider, Tipula, and Wasp, 475

Spurn lighthouse, migration at, in 1896, 245

Squatina vulgaris, 565

Squirrel, Common, seasonal changes in, 424

Star-fish, Scutellated, alleged occurrence in Durham, 170, 340

Starling, unusual position for eggs of, 334; strange nesting habits, 514

Starlings, second brood, 334

Stilt, Black-winged, in Somerset, 511

Stridulation of Cicadidæ and Orthoptera, 432, 516, 517, 519, 520

Struthio camelus, 97

Swift, flight of, 36; night flight, 290; roosting, 468, 511

Syngnathus acus, 563; hippocampus, 563; lumbriciformis, 563

Tanagra sclateri, 447

Taphozous australis, 192

Tatusia novemcincta, 343

Taxidermy, 412

Tern, Black, in Anglesea, 329,—in Warwickshire, 330; Noddy, in Cheshire, 510; Roseate, breeding in Britain, 165, 467,—eggs of, 467, 510

Terpsiphone cristata, 161

Thetford, Stone Curlews as observed around, 248

Thrush, Song, unusual position for eggs of, 334

Tinea vulgaris, 560

Tipula, Spider, and Wasp, 475

Tithoes confinis, 161

Titmouse, Blue, habit variations, 333

Tit's nest, strange discovery of, 167

Toad attacked by Weasel, 339; by Hedgehog, 369; enemies of, 432

Torpedo vulgaris, 566

Tortoise, gigantic, from Aldabra Islands, 382