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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/24

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Matthews, Rev. Andrew, 466
Müller, Fritz, 268
Nevill, Hugh, F.Z.S., 230
Newton, Sir Edward, K.C.M.G., 230
Steenstrup, Johann Japetus Simon, 325

Onychogale unguifera, 209

Oological collections in Australia, 47

Orcynus germo in British waters, 580

Ortalis ruficauda, 448

Orthagoriscus mola, 564

Orthoptera and Cicadidæ, stridulation in, 432, 516, 517, 519, 520

Oryzomys brevicauda, 344

Osmerus eperlanus, 558

'Osprey,' The, 243

Osprey in Dorset, 508

Ostrich (with Plate), 97, 167

Otocorys alpestris, 6

Otter, Irish, differs from Common Otter, 184

Owl, Little, near Newark-on-Trent, 329; Long-eared, breeding in Essex, 232

Pagellus centrodontus, 544

Pairing, strange, of butterflies, 521

Partridge, Red-legged, migrating, 166, 233

Perameles macrura, 202; obesula, 201

Perca fluviatilis, 543

Perdix cinerea, chocolate-coloured variety, 36

Pests, animal, in British Columbia, 529,—in United States, 530; insect, and destruction of birds, in Eastern S. Africa, 243

Petaurus breviceps, 205

Petchora River, Siberia, zoological expedition, 287

Petrel, Fork-tailed, in East Suffolk, 509; Frigate, on west coast of Scotland, 241; in Cos. Sligo & Mayo, 84

Petrogale brachyotis, 209; concinna, 208

Petromyzon fluviatilis, 567; marinus, 567

Phalarope, Red-necked, in Sussex, 468

Phaethornis guyi, 445; longuemareus, 445

Phascologale flavipes leucogaster, 208; pencillata, 207

Pheasant with upper mandible prolonged, figured, 122

Pheasants and earthquakes in Japan, 44

Philander trinitatis, 342

Phylloscopus brehmi, 5; proregulus in Norfolk, 5, 8,—figured, 136; superciliosus, 5; viridans in Lincolnshire, 5

Pigeon, Wood, large flocks, near Croydon, 45; in London Parks, 87; nesting in heart of the city, 383; and Magpie, proximity of nests, 427

Pilchards at Great Yarmouth, 340

Pinnipeds, distribution, 217

Pipit, Alpine, in Carnarvonshire, 366

Pipra auricapilla, 447

Pithecanthropus erectus, 14

Pleuronectes flesus, 557; cynoglossus, 557; limanda, 556; microcephalus, 556; platessa, 556

Plover, Great, nesting, 511; Little, in Australia, useful qualities of, 385; Ringed, inland breeding, in Norfolk and Suffolk, 502

Plumage, change of, in Nonpareil Finch, 273, 335

Polar, South, Belgian Expedition, 487

Polydactylism in the Horse, 270

Pteropus gouldii, 190; scapulatus, 191

Pseudochirus dahlii, 203

Quails in Sussex, 366

Raia batis, 566; clavata, 566; maculata, 566; miraletus, 566; pastinaca, 566; radiata, 566

Raniceps trifurcus, 554

Rat attacking Frog, 169; Black, in Bedfordshire, 328

Ray, Cuckoo, at Great Yarmouth, 235

Redpoll, Mealy, off Kerry coast, 513

Redshank, Common, egg-producing powers, 575

Rendall, Dr. Percy, 46

Reptiles and Batrachians of Celebes, 184

Rhamphastos vitellinus, 447

Rhine, ornithological notes from, 61

Rhinolphus hipposideros (with Plate), 537

Rhipidomys couesii, 343

Rhombus lævis, 555; maximus, 555

Rinderpest in Transvaal, 45; wild animals destroyed by, in South and East Africa, 186

Roller, Common, in Sussex, 469

Rookery unexpectedly abandoned, 287

Rooks in West End of London, 87

Roosting of Swift, 511

Rorqual, Common, on Lincolnshire coast, 142

Salamander, gigantic, 382