wing-feathering, 74, 249,—nesting of, 424, 519
Spatula clypeata, 209, 279, 423, 530
Sphæroma, 348
Spiroptera megastoma, 342; microstoma, 242
Spoonbill in Norfolk, 104; not speechless, 104; at Great Yarmouth, 323
Squatarola helvetica, 210
Squilla lævis, 354
Starling, Rose-coloured, in Co. Mayo, 37; nesting, 425
Starlings, movements of, 131, 472
Stauropus alternus, drawings of caterpillar, 198
Stenogyridæ, 291
Stercorarius crepidatus, 63; parasiticus, 281
Sterna macrura, 212
Stipiturus ruficeps, 416
Stoat, albino, in Lincolnshire, 517
Strepsilas interpres, 61, 216, 538
Strix flammea, 208, 410
Sturnus vulgaris, 53, 56, 131, 144, 207, 406, 425, 433, 453
Sula bassana, 376, 413, 455, 557
Sunfish in Yarmouth Roads, 483
Swan, Bewick's, in Moy Estuary, 39
Swans, Wild, in North Ireland, 187
Swift on the Rigi, 269; early appearance, 321; some notes on, 479; number of eggs in nest, 520, 556
Switzerland, distribution of some birds observed in, 213
Sydney, Zoological notes from, 345 (Plate IV.)
Sylvia atricapilla, 187, 219, 399, 450; cinerea, 203, 399, 450; curruca, 203, 432; hortensis, 203, 399, 450; melanocephala, 518; nisoria, 26, 204; rufa, 219; sarda, 450, 518; undata, 399
Symbiotes communis var. equi, 340
Syrnium aluco, 410
Syrrhaptes paradoxus, 534
Tabanus autumnalis, 340; bovinus, 340
Tadorna casarca, 530; cornuta, 530
Tænia mamillana, 340; perfoliata, 340, 341; plicata, 340
Talorchestia quadrimana, 348
Talpa europæa, 142, 186
Tameness of unmolested birds, 280
Tephrocorys cinerea, 543
Termites, rocks honeycombed by, 352
Tern, Lesser, destruction, in Yorkshire, 232
Testacella scutulum, 291
Testacellidæ, 291
Tetrao tetrix, 93
Thalamita sima, 354
Thalassogeron chlororhynchus, 418
Thopha saccata, 346, 347
Thrush, Missel, nests at low elevations, 12; attacking Squirrel, 321; laying twice in same nest, 422
Thrushes (Missel, Rock, and Song) on the Rigi, 268, 269
Tibicen curvicosta, 347; nubifurca, 559
Ticks, rare English, 326
Tinnunculus cenchroïdes, 417
Titmouse, Bearded, short history of (Plate V.), 358—nest, fig., 367—feeding young, fig., 368,—cleaning out nest, fig., 369,—general distribution, fig., 374,—corrections, 422, 478,—and other birds in Norfolk, 422; Coal, on the Rigi, 268; Great, nesting habits, 19, 82, 143, 423
Torinia, 318
Totanus calidris, 62; canescens, 212; fuscus, 212; glareola, 212; hypoleucus, 211, 456; ochropus, 212
Trematoda, 340
Trichodectes pilosus, 340; pubescens, 340
Trigonorhina fasciata, 357
Tringa acuminata, 558; alpina, 211; canutus, 211; maculata, 521, 557; minuta, 167, 201; subarcuata, 211
Trochonanina, 291; conula (Microcystis conula), 291, 292
Troglodytes parvulus, 205, 401, 451
Tropidonotus berus, 33; natrix, 33, 36
Tryngites rufescens, 110
Tubicinella trachealis, 286
Tudora, 307, 308; megacheila, 307
Turacus, 332
Turdus communis, 260; iliacus, 55, 202, 206, 397; merula, 55, 202, 217, 237, 281, 398, 449; musicus, 202, 217, 259, 397; pilaris, 55, 202, 397; torquatus, 1, 398; varius, 398; viscivorous, 202, 217, 321, 398, 422
Turkeys, Wild, from Canada, 94
Turtur communis, 52, 146, 210, 225, 257, 455, 534; risorius, 257
Upupa epops, 53, 82, 257, 322, 409, 454
Urenchelys anglicus, 198
Uria grylle, 63; troile, 63, 377, 457