Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/24

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Valvata, 304; piscinalis, 315

Valvatidæ, 315

Vanellus vulgaris, 40, 61, 187, 210

Vanessa atalanta, 33; io, 33,—and urticæ, strange hybernating quarters for, 559

Variety of Partridge, 14, 23, 25, 26, 101, 111; Hooded Crow, 101; Black-throated Diver, 101; Brambling, 103; Hedge-Sparrow, 108; Green Woodpecker, 109; Mole, 186; Sparrow-Hawk, 215, Jackdaw, 233; Fox-cub, 233; Weasel, 235; Sole, 241; Stoat, 517

Vipera berus, 393

Vitrina pellucida, 291

Vitrinidæ, 291

Vole, Bank, in Berks, 381, 421

Wagtail, White, on the Rigi, 269

Wales, Mid, ornithological notes from, 76; North Wales, Vertebrate Fauna, 414

Warbler, Barred, in Oxfordshire, 26; Blackcap, on the Rigi, 268; Icterine, in Norfolk, 109; Marsh, in Oxfordshire, 15,—nest, containing egg of Cuckoo, fig., 20,—in Wiltshire, 555; Melodious, in Sussex, 518; Sardinian, 518

Whale and Seal Fishery (1899), 65

White, Gilbert, and his recent Editors, Prof. Newton on, 391

Whitethroat, 259

Wildfowl at Breydon, 157, 159,—at Fritton Decoy, 160, 239; and other birds, at Great Yarmouth market, 99, 100, 165, 166, 167

Wilsden District (Yorkshire), ornithological notes from, 432

Wing-feathering of House-Sparrow, sexual differences in, 74, 249

Woodpecker, Great Spotted, 278,—in Surrey, 322; Green, with beak like Crossbill's, 109,—and sp.?, on the Rigi, 268

Worms, Horse, 340

Wren on the Rigi, 268

Yarmouth, Great, and neighbourhood, Birds of, 153, 397, 529,—area of distribution, fig., 154,—principal works relating to, 177; notes from, 241

Yorkshire, Natural History notes from, for 1899, 229, 432

Young and nest, care of, 247

Zonotidæ, 291

Zoological Meeting of Pavia, 265

Zoology, teachings of, brought to the aid of practical warfare, 152; at British Association, 527

Zosterops lutea, 418


Plate I. Macropus giganteus
to face 49
II.Perdix cinerea var. montana, Briss.
III. Spinning Molluscs
IV. Neptunus pelagicus, M.-Edw.
V. (Map). Former Breeding Range in England of Panurus biarmicus
Nest of Marsh Warbler
Map showing area of distribution of Birds of Great Yarmouth and Neighbourhood
Sketch showing distended throat of Cuckoo
"Hawkesbury Sandstone" tunnelled by Termites
Nest of Bearded Titmouse (after Pike)
Bearded Titmouse feeding young (after Pike)
cleaning out nest
map showing general distribution
Dilated œsophagus of Adder (Vipera berus)
Sea-Elephants: disturbed rest
Nest of Tufted Duck (Fuligula cristata)