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Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/11

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Andrews, C. W.

Fossil Vertebrates from Egypt, 318

Aplin, O.V., F.L.S., M.B.O.U.

Robin in Shetland, 106; Marsh-Warbler at Bath, 106; The origin and meaning of the names of British Birds, 109; Further notes from Lleyn, West Carnarvonshire, 141; Robin in Shetland, 154; The Whiskered Bat in Oxfordshire, 315; Great Black-backed Gull inland in Wales, 317; Montagu's Harrier in Northamptonshire, 476; The Ring-necked Duck as a British bird, 476

Archibald, Charles F.

Nesting of Long-eared Owl, 31

Austen, E.E.

Ornithomyia avicularia, 357

Backhouse, J.

Hybrid Crow, and White Wagtail, in Merioneth, 30; The Birds of Yorkshire, 33; Varieties of the Dunlin, 91

Barrett-Hamilton, G.E.H.

The coloration of the Variable Hare, 221; Note on the origin of sexual dimorphism, and of nuptial weapons and ornamentation, 420

Benson, Charles W.

With the birds in May, 1901, 272

Bevir, J.L., M.A.

Dante as a Naturalist, 361

Bingham, C.T., Lieut.-Col.

Nesting of the Pigmy Falcon in Upper Burma, 224; Hoopoe at Reigate, 269

Bonhote, J. Lewis, M.A., F.Z.S.

The nesting habits of Moor-hens, 71; Varieties of the Dunlin, 185; Notes on the Sciuridæ, 241

Bradshaw, George W.

Weights of Birds, 111; Habits of Alcedo hispida, 354; Regulus cristatus near Reading, 472; Little Owl at Henley, 476; Peregrine Falcon in Berkshire, 476

Bucknill, John A., M.A.

Ornithological notes from Surrey, 247

Butler, Lieut.-Col. E.A.

Notes from Suffolk, 477

Butterfield, E.P.

Habits of the Ring-Ouzel, 28; Distribution of the Stonechat in Yorkshire, 64

Butterfield, W. Ruskin

Occurrence of the Willow-Tit in Sussex, 29; Breeding of the Blue-headed Wagtail in Sussex, 389; Occurrence of the Broadbilled Sandpiper in Sussex, 390

Buxton, C.S.

Vanessa polychloros in December, 32

Carter, Thomas

Notes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, 255

Charbonnier, H.J.

Sparrow-Canary hybrid, 353; Variety of Vesperugo pipistrellus, 472

Clarke, W.J.

The sloughing of Serpents, 391; Notes from Scarborough, 477; Mosquitoes at Scarborough, 479

Coburn, F.

The occurrence of the Red-throated Pipit in Ireland, 264; Lesser White-fronted Goose in Norfolk, 317; Brief notes on an expedition to the North of Iceland in 1899, 403; Icelandic names of birds, 478

Comber, Alfred T.

A dipterous parasite in the plumage of birds, 357