Corbin, G.B.
- Variety of Pied Wagtail, 154; Wildfowl on the Hampshire Avon during the winter of 1900–1, 156; Osprey in Hampshire, 427; Great Snipe and variety ot Swallow in Hampshire, 428; A dipterous parasite in the plumage of birds, 430; American Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) at Ringwood, 474
Cottney, John
- Wigeon breeding in Ireland, 269
- Non-protective coloration in the Variable Hare, 73; Climbing powers of the Long-tailed Field-Mouse, 221; The Sand-Lizard in the North of England, 355
Davenport, H.S.
- Early Jack-Snipe, 31
- The death of Queen Victoria; Animal intelligence, 190; The File-Fish, 226; The protection of British Birds, 230; The late Eleanor A. Ormerod, LL.D., 310; Biological Suggestions—Animal Sense Perceptions, 321; The Scaly Ant-Eater, 352; The late Rev. H. A. Macpherson, 480
Duncan, Stanley
- Notes on Bird-life from Redcar and District, 108; Varieties of the Dunlin, 156; Notes from Redcar, Yorkshire, 477
Edwards, L.A. Curtis
- Rose-coloured Pastor in Kent, 223; Broad-billed Sandpiper in Kent, 390
- Notes on the House-Martin and Sand-Martin, 69; Nesting of the Jackdaw, 70; Nightjar hawking May-flies, 70; Observations on the Noctule, 153; An unrecorded Kite obtained in Huntingdonshire, 354; Notes on the Swift, and the number of days taken in incubation, 473
Ellison, Rev. Allan
- Breeding habits of the Swift, 384; Chiffchaff singing in autumn, 424
Evans, H.M.
- The Little Bittern in Cornwall, 354
Field, Eastwick- C.
- Lesser Redpoll nesting in Sussex, 315
- Rosefinch released in Devon, 267; Pairing manœeuvres of Pigeons, &c., 270; Great Crested Lark, &c., released in England, 353
Flower, S.S., Capt.
- Sand-Lizard in Berkshire, 430
- The building of a Dormouse's nest, 68; Hairy-plumaged Moorhens, 108; Red-footed Falcon in Shropshire, 224; Palmate Newt in Carnarvonshire, 225; Autumnal litter of Dormice, 423; Richard's Pipit in North Wales, 425; Hobby breeding in Shropshire, 426
Fowler, W. Warde, M.A.
- On the winter singing of the Song-Thrush, 212
Fox, W. Storrs
- Little Bustard in Derbyshire, 270
Fryer, Herbert Fortesque
- Note on the weight and specific gravity of some common eggs, 110
Gill, E. Leonard
- Miscellaneous jottings on bird songs, 449
Grabham, Oxley, M.A.
- The birds of Yorkshire, 33; The protection of British birds, 226
Grant, C.H.B.
- Yellow Wagtails wintering in the Isle of Man, 69
- Black Tern in Cheshire, 188; Birds observed on the Calf of Man, 468
Gunning, J.W.B., Dr.
- Experiments in hybridity at Pretoria, 263
Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
- British-killed Egrets, 107; Ornithological notes from Norfolk for 1900, 121; Red-footed Falcon in Essex, 426
- The Aardwolf in the Transvaal Colony, 219; Suggested mimicry of the South African Weasel, 220
Haigh, G.H. Caton
- Red-necked Phalarope in Lincolnshire, 72; Migration of birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the autumn of 1900, 201