Harvey, Arthur W. Hext
- Black Tern in Cornwall, 188
Horsbrugh, Charles Bethune
- Nesting of the Marsh-Warbler in Somersetshire, 472
Horton, B.J.
- Notes on the Leopard Snake in confinement, 159
Howard, H.E., F.Z.S.
- The Grasshopper Warbler in North Worcestershire, 60; On the increase of the Starling and the Hawfinch, 463
Janson, Oliver E., F.E.S.
- William Doherty, 386
Johnson, T. P.
- "The mode of progression of the Phalacrocoracidæ," 31
Jourdain, Rev. F.C.E.
- On the breeding habits of the Swift in Derbyshire, 286; Number of eggs laid by the Swift, 426
- Nutcracker in Sussex, 107; BankVole in Sussex, 158
Leighton, Gerald, M.B.
- A plague of Snakes, 25; Black Adder in South Wales, 273; Sloughing in Serpents, 301
Lewis, Stanley
- The vibrating sounds of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 184
Lodge, R.B.
- Photo-trapping Purple Herons and Spoonbills, 290; Some strange nesting habits in Holland, 318; Ægialitis hiaticula nesting in Middlesex (within London postal district), 389
Lumsden, Ernest S.
- The Sand-Lizard in Berkshire, 479
Macpherson, Rev. H.A., M.A.
- Varieties of the Dunlin, 187; The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 223; The rarer birds of the Solway Firth, 281; The origin of the name "Fulmar," 355; Early ornithologists, 376; The Water-Chanter of Turner, 480
Marshall, Guy A.K.
- Note on the Scaly Ant-Eater, 351
Martin, Basil W.
- Curious accident to a young Mistle-Thrush, 222
Meiklejohn, A.H.
- The names of British Birds, 72; Early Jack-Snipe, 108; Nesting of the Jackdaw, 154; Chiffchaflf singing in autumn, 388; Waxwing at Scarborough, 473
Mennell, Henry T., F.L.S.
- House-Martins in November, 30
- The Birds of Yorkshire, 32; Glossy Ibis in Durham, 185
New, Oliver H.
- A few further notes on the Great Spotted Woodpecker, 95; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 107
Newman, T.P., F.R.Met.Soc.
- The late Eleanor A. Ormerod, LL.D., 312
Newstead, Robert
- Little Egret in Yorkshire, 70
Nicoll, Michael John
- Baird's Sandpiper in Sussex, 31; Some appearances of the Ring-Ouzel at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 69; Siskins in Sussex, 426; Osprey at Eye Harbour, 427
Noble, H.
- The Birds of Berkshire, 274
Oddi, Prof. E. Arrigoni degli
- Bird notes from Brembana Valley, 1
- Observations on the Noctule, 51
Page, Wesley T.
- Molluscs eaten by Wood-Pigeons, 73
Parkin, Thomas
- Common Roller in Sussex, 316
- Lesser Rorqual Whale, 28; The Birds of Great Yarmouth and the neighbourhood, 98, 294; Black Rat in Great Yarmouth, 153; Weights of birds, 159; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 160; Spoonbills at Great Yarmouth, 269; Spotted Ray at Great Yarmouth, 274; Storm Petrel in confinement, 478
Pike, Oliver G.
- The nesting habits of Moor-hens, 17
Playne, Herbert C.
- Blackcap singing in February, 106
Pocock, R.I., F.Z.S.
- Pigmy Shrew in Yorkshire, 388; Stoat and Weasel trapping, 388; The distribution of the Diadem Spider, 393; De Winton's Wood-Mouse in Worcestershire, 423