Aardwolf in Transvaal Colony, 219
Aberdeen, March notes from, 189
Acanthis hornemanni, 407; linaria, 283; linaria rostrata in Island of Barra, 440
Accentor collaris, 9; modularis, 9, 204, 469
Accipiter nisus, 208
Acredula caudata, 8; irbyi, 8
Acrocephalus palustris, 106, 473; phragmitis, 204
Adder, Black, in South Wales, 273
Ægialitis asiatica, 99; cantiana, 99; hiaticula, 99, 389, 413; ruficapilla, 255
Ægiothus linaria, 12; rufescens, 12
Æsalon regulus, 6
Affection among birds, 140
Africa, South, vanishing mammalian fauna, 115; migration of birds in, 195
Alauda arborea, 11; arvensis, 11, 207, 470
Albino Leveret, 423
Alca torda, 297, 416, 471
Alcedo ispida, 7; habits of, 354
Alligator eggs, artificial incubation of, 197
America, North, Wheatears in, 197
Ampelis garrulus, 8, 473
Amytis striata, 256
Anas boscas, 208, 410; strepera, 410
Animal intelligence, 190; sense perceptions, 321
Animals, game, of Cape Colony, 114; marine, improved method of preparing and preserving specimens, 199; predatory, average weights of, 236
Anser albifrons, 410; brachyrhynchus, 208; cinereus, 408; erythropus, 317
Anseranus semipalmata, 260
Ant-Eater, Scaly, 351
Anthus campestris, 11; cervinus, 11, 264; obscurus, 204, 405, 469; pratensis, 11, 204, 405, 469; richardi, 11, 283, 425; spinoletta, 11; trivialis, 11; sp.? 405
Ants, American, compound and mixed nests of, 440
Aquila chrysaëtos, 5; maculata, 5
Aranea diadema, 393
Archibuteo lagopus, 5
Arcturus, 337
Ardea alba, 107; cinerea, 15, 208; purpurea, 15, 290; garzetta, 70, 107
Ardeola ralloides, 15
Ardetta minuta, 354
Ashanti, forests and birds in, 399
Asio accipitrinus, 6, 189; brachyotus, 283; otus, 6, 31, 189, 207
Astur palumbarius, 6
Athene noctua, 476
Australian Ornithological Union, 439
Balænoptera rostrata, 28
Balistes capriscus, 225
Bat, Whiskered, in Oxfordshire, 315
Bats carrying their young, 315
Beetles, stridulating organs of, 40
Bernicla brenta, 284; leucopsis, 284
Biblis rupestris, 8
Biological Suggestions—Animal Sense Perceptions, 321
Bird notes, from Brembana Valley, 1; life, from Redcar and district, 108; migration, in Great Britain and Ireland, 117,—-in South Africa, 195; songs, 449
Birds of Yorkshire, 32, 33; of Great Yarmouth and neighbourhood, 98, 294; British, origin and meaning of names of, 72, 109; affection among, 140; rare, in Nottinghamshire, 158; weights of, 111, 159; migration of, 117, 195, 201; British, protection of, 226; in Lisbon, 270; with the, in May, 1901, 272; of Berkshire, 274; rarer, of Solway Firth, 281; in Ashanti, 399; in nest-boxes, 318; dipterous parasite in plumage of, 357, 430; observed on Calf of Man, 468; Icelandic names of, 478
Birds' eggs, weight and specific gravity of some, 110, 111
Bittern in Oxfordshire, 71,—in Surrey, 252; Little, in Cornwall, 354
Blaauwbok (with Plate), 441
Blackcap singing in February, 106