Blanford, W.T., on Zoological divisions of British India, 113
Bombycilla garrulus, 283
Bonasa betulina, 14
Books, Natural History (Crowley Coll.), sale of, 200
Books Noticed:—
- Animal Behaviour, by C. Lloyd Morgan, 34
- Problems of Evolution, by F.W. Headley, 35
- Reminiscences of a Falconer, by Major Charles Hawkins Fisher, 37
- The Birds of Glamorgan, 38
- Guide to the Zoological Collections exhibited in the Bird Gallery of the Indian Museum (Calcutta), by F. Finn, 40
- British Flies, by G.H. Verrall, 76
- The Mammals of South Africa, by W.L. Sclater, vol. i., 77; vol. ii., 234
- The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America, by Edward Drinker Cope, 79
- Lord Lilford, a Memoir, by his Sister, 80
- American Hydroids, Part I., the Plumularidæ, by Charles Cleveland Nutting, 191
- Zoological Results based on Materials from New Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands, and elsewhere, by Arthur Willey, 192
- First on the Antarctic Continent, being an Account of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1898-1900, by C.E. Borchgrevink, 192
- Text-Book of Zoology, treated from a Biological Standpoint: Part II., Birds, Reptiles, Fishes; Part III., Invertebrates, by Dr. Otto Schmeil, 193
- The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma, edited by W.T. Blanford: Arachnida, by R.I. Pocock, 194
- Geological Antiquity of Insects, by Herbert Goss, 197
- A Handbook of British Birds, showing the Distribution of the Resident and Migratory Species in the British Islands, &c., by J.E. Harting, 231
- The Life and Letters of Gilbert White of Selborne, by Rashleigh Holt-White, 232
- The Birds of Siberia, a Record of a Naturalist's Visits to the Valleys of the Petchora and Yenesei, by Henry Seebohm, 233
- Zoological Gleanings from the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship 'Investigator,' by Dr. A.W. Alcock, 239
- Animal Life, a First-Book of Zoology, by D.S. Jordan and V.L. Kellogg, 275
- A Synopsis of the Mammals of North America and the adjacent Seas, by Daniel Giraud Elliot, 276
- Our Country's Shells, and how to know them, a Guide to the British Mollusca, by W.J. Gordon, 277
- Taxidermy, comprising the Skining, Stuffing, and Mounting of Birds, Mammals, and Fish, edited by Paul N. Hasluck, 277
- Cambridge Natural History—Amphibia and Reptiles, by Hans Gadow, 320
- Essays and Photographs—Some Birds of the Canary Islands and South Africa, by Henry E. Harris, 359
- A Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-Sea Crustacea—Decapoda, Macrura, and Anomala, in the Indian Museum, &c., by Dr. A. Alcock, 360
- Bird-Watching, by Edmund Selous, 394
- Manual of the Birds of Iceland, by Henry H. Slater, 395
- The Life-History of British Serpents, and their Local Distribution in the British Isles, by Gerald R. Leighton, 396
- A Treatise on Zoology, edited by E. Ray Lankester, the Platyhelmia, Mesozoa, and Nemertini, by W. Blaxland Benham, 432
- Use-Inheritance, illustrated by the direction of Hair on the Bodies of Animals, by Walter Kidd, 433
- Biometrika, a Journal for the Statistical Study of Biological Problems, 436
- General Report on the Investigations in Porto Rico of the U.S. Fish Comm. Steamer 'Fish Hawk' in 1899, by Barton Warren Evermann,